5 Easy Steps For Losing Weight After 40

Many people naturally assume that it is impossible to lose weight once you hit the age of forty and over. This couldn't be further from the truth. You can do a search for many men and women who have lost weight and got into the best shape of their lives - all after the age of 40. They are no different from you or I. How would you like to achieve your goal weight and look better than ever? Check out the fundamentals below.
 Step 1 - Before starting any new exercise or nutrition program, it is important to get a check up with your doctor. Many times, a medical examination may reveal other health issues that could have caused your weight gain. Also, your doctor may give you advice that will help with your new fitness goals.
 Step 2 - Purchase some cheap notebooks (spiral or composition books are fine.) You will need at least two. One for your daily food log and one for your exercise log. Before you ignore this step, keep in mind that many individuals swear by their food and exercise journals. On a side note - actor Jason Statham keeps both a food and exercise journal in order to eat healthy and track exercise progress - and you can see from his physique it is paying off.
 Step 3 - There is no doubt your eating habits will have to change. The mistake many people make is by immediately shopping for all kinds of health foods they never ate in the first place. Try subtracting the unhealthy foods from your diet first. Start off easy by first eliminating sugary drinks like soda and fancy coffee drinks.
 Step 4 - Set small goals rather than one large one that will seem harder to attain. Set a goal per week or per month and then reward yourself when you achieve them. For example, if your goal is to lose 2 pounds per week, you could reward yourself with your favorite things like a new outfit, going to the movies, etc. Before long, you will have lost a significant amount of weight without feeling like it was a struggle.
 Step 5 - Exercising will become a regular part of your life. However, did you know that over time, doing the same exercises over and over again will lead to a plateau? Not only that, but did you know that there are certain exercise methods that can burn fat more effectively than the typical cardio exercises you are familiar with and in a shorter amount of time?
Start Reaping the Benefits Today - The 5 steps above are definitely fundamentals to a successful weight loss plan but how much easier would it be to have a guaranteed plan of attack that is easy to follow? Follow the url below in my signature - you'll be glad you did.
Losing weight after 40 is not an impossible task. Make it even easier by reading free user reviews and feedback of Fit Over 40 - a fitness guide designed especially for individuals 40 years of age and older.

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