Body fat is a problem for some more than others. We all know people who can eat huge amounts and not gain a pound, but others that just think about food seem to pack on the pounds. What causes this? We will take a look at some reasons why some people are more affected by weight problems than others, and what steps can be taken to keep as much weight off as possible. Some people believe the hype about easy ways out of putting on fat, but that is just taking the wrong path to try and stay thin.
The most common word used when talking about this phenomena is "metabolism". Metabolism is a complex science chemical process that determines how substances are broken down in the body. Some people's metabolism is such so that their body is very efficient at taking food and processing it quickly instead of just sticking all the fat to one's cells. This is obviously a simple explanation but it points out the relationship of how all of our individual bodies handle food intake. Do not use metabolism as an excuse for not working hard to lose weight and stay fit.
"So, how does this affect me?" you may ask yourself. Well, no matter what type of metabolism you may possess it's important to get plenty of exercise so your body works it's best. Even if your body is the type that luckily never seems to cause you to pack on the pounds, it is still very important to keep fit and get lots of exercise. Exercise is the one variable that should always be included with every discussion concerning weight loss, overall health, etc.
When someone exercises regularly his body is treating the food he eats correctly. Look at it this way, over the past many thousands of years of our human evolution, what were we regularly doing? We were exercising! Our bodies are designed to have all of our muscle groups worked regularly. It's only been the last few centuries that we have generally become a sluggish society. I don't mean that in a bad way, only that where throughout history we did not get in our car and drive across town to work, we often times walked a lot, and ran.
In summary, it's important to always include exercise in your plans on losing weight, or keeping the weight off. Your body is expecting to be worked hard and kept well-nourished to provide the vitamins, nutrients and even fats that it is relying on. Sure you are bombarded daily by miracle weight loss solutions that require no work on your part, but if you think that's true you are lying to yourself. It only takes one look at Michael Phelps, the awesome Olympic swimmer who ate 12,000 calories a day and was in top physical condition, to see that as long you are working your body hard you will burn those calories. Your body will thank you for eating properly and getting enough exercise!
George Push is a science enthusiast who strives to learn as much as possible and share his knowledge to help improve the lives of others. Please enjoy this article, and find more helpful articles at blog.
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