Stay Fit All Your Life With Pranayam Yoga Asanas

Gone are the days when health complications such as indigestion, back pain, neck pain, obesity, arthritis and high blood pressure were associated with the old age. Nowadays both youngsters and elderly people are facing these problems. Reasons may be same or differ but the consequences are similar - strains and pains. Medication can give temporary relief but performing yoga asanas regularly can help you get rid of all these common problems. However, they don't make any miracles happen; you have to constantly practice them to see long term and permanent results.
Kapalbharti pranayam is one of the best yoga exercises that improve the circulation of oxygen throughout the body, working of lungs and other respiratory organs and digestive system. The intake of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide ensures smooth functioning of all body parts. If practiced regularly, it offers a great deal of benefits to the performer including:
1. Increased capacity of lungs to hold oxygen
2. Enhancement in the functioning of brain cells
3. Keeps blood pressure under constant check
4. Naturally cures constipation, diabetes and sinus
5. Relieves muscular and skeletal pain
6. Enhances flexibility in bones
Bhastarika pranayam is another type of yoga asanas that keeps both mind and body healthy. To perform this, one has to sit comfortably with spinal cord straight. You have to forcefully breath-in and breathe-out as long and deep as possible. It can be practiced for any duration between two to five minutes. Stop as soon as you feel tired and relax a while before you resume. Its benefits include:
1. Cures flu, asthma and sinus
2. Cures tonsils, throat problems and thyroid
3. Helpful in curing heart diseases including arteries blockages
4. Cures migraine and depression
5. Helps de-stressing
All these yoga and exercises are backed by scientific evidences; so no matter how old you are and how tight your schedule is, including them in your daily routine helps a lot. Moreover, they help in releasing anger and depression. Regularly practicing them brings radiance on your face and peace to your mind.
If you're a beginner and have just started practicing yoga, the best way to do it is under the guidance of a trained yoga professional. Doing them incorrectly can hamper your well being and bring negative effects. You can stay internally and externally fit all through your life by performing these asanas.
Nowadays, internet is one of the best sources to find information about yoga poses and exercises. There are several online portals that are dedicated to bring awareness among people about However, one needs to ensure that these sources are authentic and offer correct information. In addition to this, videos are also available online by trained professionals. You can watch them to know the right way to perform them.
The best part is that they just require a few minutes from your daily schedule. At least, dedicating that much time in performing yoga asanas is worth when you can cure so many health problems without spending a single buck. is one of the leading websites that offers complete and genuine information on, stretches and exercises. The site is dedicated to list out all the benefits of yoga and exercises.

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