You Have To Be Determined To Be Fit

I still remember when I first developed my fitness goals and decided to go after them. I was very young at the time and in fact I recall being about 12 years old when I first started. When I was really young I had a horrible diet that included fruit rollups, cookies, pie and virtually every other dessert. I ate very few healthy foods as a child and I feel extremely fortunate for not developing diabetes. I did however gain a lot of weight but I didn't realize it until someone pointed it out to me. It was at that point I had the very common and simple goal of just losing some weight and getting a flat stomach. My goals eventually evolved into wanting to gain a lot of strength and muscle mass. In this article I will further explain how I developed each of these goals and how I eventually reached them. As you will see, reaching my goals was no easy feat but with a lot of hard work and determination I eventually got there. It is my wish that by me explaining the hard work I put into reaching my goals, you will be inspired to never give up on reaching your goals. I feel determination is essential for any fitness strategy to work. It's what separates the people who reach their goals from the people who do not. I will also get into something you can do to lose weight which is follow online personal training programs. These online personal training programs being offered today are the best way to lose weight in my opinion. Online personal training programs are certainly better now than they use to be.
As I explained, when I was very young I was overweight and realized it only when someone pointed it out to me. At that point I decided my goal was simply to get a flatter stomach. When I started I wasn't curtain how to approach reaching this goal. The first person I asked to give me advice my dad. He gave me the typical weight loss advice of the time which was to cut out starch from my diet such as rice and potatoes. I tried this and it was extremely hard. I actually wasn't 100% successful with this approach since I did eat some starch but since I did put forth the effort I wound up reducing my starch consumption. I also tried to exercise more even though I didn't know very much about cardiovascular exercise. I recall using an old dusty treadmill in our basement that no one in my family really used. Because I knew so little about dieting and exercise this was a very miserable time in my life but luckily because I was so young I lost weight very quickly and after about two months I went from being overweight to having a six pack. I was really ecstatic when I noticed I had a six pack because I actually hadn't planned on getting a six pack. It wasn't as if that was a goal of mine so that made for a very pleasing result.
After I lost weight the next goal I started to focus on was gain muscle mass. Between losing weight and gaining the kind of muscle mass I wanted, the second goal was by far the hardest. It would take me many years to reach the point where I was more or less satisfied with the amount of muscle I had. As I would learn more about weight lifting and getting stronger I did start to gain a considerable amount of strength but it wasn't the kind of strength I wanted. While I was stronger than most people I wanted to be noticeably strong even with a shirt on. I remember reaching a plateau in my strength that took me 5 long years to get through but I eventually did by changing my diet. After trying every kind of weight lifting program out there I decided the issue had to be my diet and it was.
Online personal training programs are something I wish I had access to back then but the ones at that time weren't very good. The online personal training programs being offered today are more state of the art and much easier and enjoyable to follow. Online personal training programs are usually designed by certified personal trainers which makes them highly effective and every bit as effective as what you would get from a trainer at the gym.
Abstract Health, LLC is dedicated to making fitness easy and affordable for today's fast paced world!

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