What ways can we lose weight fast? I have a list of things that can definitely be on your personal checklist of things to do to help you start the weight loss. There is no particular order, so I recommend that you take just a few of these at a time and begin to work them into your daily schedule. When it is habit, add a few more, you probably don't have to do more than a handful of these things to see your weight really start lowering. If you don't see it go down quick enough, add more of these pointers to your schedule, until the weight is dropping at a safe pace that you are satisfied with. Pick from this list and begin, come back for more when you have those few mastered.
- Drink Mainly Water - Zero calories and no carbs, little to no sodium, yet it fills you up, then you eliminate those 100 calorie to 300 calorie juices or drinks that don't have nearly as much satisfaction as 100 to 300 calories of food will. Drinking more water also flushes out excess water weight as well as jump-starting your metabolism. You can add the lemon or mint flavor if needed, or Crystal Light is ok. Average Americans consume almost 250 calories daily just from their soft drink fetishes. Seems small, but if you add that in every single day for the year, that is 90,000 calories which is the same as 25 pounds of weight!
- Carry a Small Notebook - or your smart phone or iPod with you during the day, and take an inventory of everything you eat. Just doing this with nothing else will bring down the average persons calorie count by 15%, just because they are thinking about it. That could be even more than 25 pounds of weight per year! Two steps followed to a tee and you may lose 50 pounds in 1 year? That is fantastic!
- When Grocery Shopping - avoid the middle of the stores. If you ever take the time to look at how they lay out grocery stores, they do it so you have to walk through the middle to get to the very back for your milk and eggs we all need. The edges of the store are more your friends in losing weight than the middle areas. The edges have the fresh produce, whole grains, dairy and other good stuff. The middle of the store has more of that processed garbage. The next time you shop at your grocery store, do it right after a HUGE meal, when you are FULL, then study the whole outlay of the store you always shop at, take note of what isles to JUST STAY AWAY from and which rows are walls have the essentials, keep it with you when you shop.
- During the Meal - a great way to take a meal that you might have put down 1300 calories to under 1000 is as simple as keeping your water-glass full and constantly sipping at it. Think about the actual size of a stomach, not much bigger than your fist, you can squish a lot of food into it, but how much water? If you are sipping a FULL glass of water during a meal, you are filling in that space much more than without it.
- When Eating Out - with a spouse or date, or whatever. Realize that most restaurants give you portions that are 2 to 3 times the size of a good portion size for health purposes. It would be a great idea on the wallet and the body to get an appetizer you like and then just get one meal and share it, doing this is much less expensive and BETTER for your body. Also, stick to that drinking water rule while eating this meal, the wines and the beers and sodas are just costing you that extra 25 pounds of FREE weight loss when you are drinking them.
- Eat More Often - smaller portions eaten in much shorter spreads of time. It's likely you'll consume up to 30% less calories at the next meal when the previous meal was spread over hours. Plus, even if you did eat just as much calories, the body is releasing less insulin, keeping hunger under better control.
- Do Cardio 30 Minutes - if you did this daily with eating write, you ENSURE weight losses as a noticeable pace. You'll lose more calories if you pick routines that engage multiple muscles at the same time, like spin classes, cardio kickboxing, or tough boot-camp workouts. 30 minutes gives you another 250 calories, give or take, towards your goals.
- Getting Your Protein - this is huge. My personal trainer explained to me that although in an average 2500 calorie meal plan, especially if you eat out once a day, you only get like half your body weight in protein and to BUILD MUSCLE you need your body weight PLUS 25-50% more protein. So I weight 200lbs and I was getting about 100 or so grams of protein, he wanted me at 200 to 300 grams to show muscle gains at a good pace. The only way I've seen this being achievable is through additional pure whey protein intake in between meals, ESPECIALLY within an hour after each weight training session.
- Forget the Fruit Juice - It's not any better than just drinking soda or something. Eat your fruits fresh and stick to water. Fruit juices are sweetened and processed in a way that they are just wasting your calories you have per day. You also lose all the fiber you get from the fresh fruits which the body uses to your advantage.
- Eat Salad With Healthy Dressings - no more ranch or bleu cheese, they ruin the idea of green leaf salads, instead try it with a little vinegar, olive oil or lemon juice. It will take a few times to get the taste buds tamed, but you will learn to like it that way and it will be your friend in losing weight.
- Eat Your Meals Off Your Plate - no seconds. You serve the right portion onto your dinner plates and you eat it till it's gone and you don't take seconds, keeps the calories in check and you are good to go.
- Plan Your Workouts for the Week - You need to put together a calendar at the beginning of your week on where you are going to squeeze in those 3 to 5 workouts and the WORST thing you can do is allow yourself to skip that time and date, if you start skipping one, you end up at the end of the week having skipped all of them.
- Burn Calories Above Your Daily Limit - by the end of the week, you should find time to do the cardio necessary to catch up and burn off whatever calories you were over on any days for your goal to lose weight. So if you should be under 2200 calories a day and one do you were at 2600 calories, make sure by the end of the week you did something to make up that 400 extra calories in cardio.
- Do Your cardio Before Breakfast - even if it's a shorter amount, such as 15 minutes, or a full 40 minutes a day, in the mornings before you eat breakfast to burn fat faster. It won't take much, just getting your heart rate to go up to 120-130 beats per minute to burn this fat, for me that is a brisk walk. Then make sure you eat a healthy breakfast afterwards, drink some protein within the hour too.
- State the Positive - self affirmations constantly going through your mind will help you. Telling yourself you are going to lose this weight or gain this muscle or whatever, over and over again for a few weeks or months leads to your own self-fulfilling prophecy. What you say is what you think, is what you do, is what you are!
- Go On A Detox Diet - like the juice detox or the lemonade diet or whatever one you've heard about for 1 to 3 weeks. These produce crazy short-term results to pump you up and motivate you, but if you don't follow it up by keeping many of these other rules, you will just put back on what you lost. Only do this once ever FEW months, so you don't hurt your body or create false results.
- Chew Up Your Food - chew it up well, because it's your saliva that allows that sugar to digest. Give saliva a chance to ACT.
So here is the list. Pick 1 or 2, add them into your day, master them over a period of time, come back, grab a few more and so on and so forth until you see positive results when you are weighing in weekly and then decide if you are content with the speed things are progressing at or if you want to continue to speed it up, pick some more and add them into your daily schedules.
Avoid shortcuts that lead you to believe you can go from obese to ripped in the next 3 months, it's not possible without HURTING you. The concept of a pill, or some shortcut device may not hurt you directly, but the problem is that weight loss is all about consistency or it doesn't last. So if you rely on the shortcut and lose 10 or 20 pounds, then you get off it, and still have all the same bad habits, you gain all of that back and maybe even more. WASTE OF MONEY AND TIME.
This gives you steps you can take today to BEGIN losing weight, but if you really want to learn how to lose weight fast in 3 easy steps, then click on the link below. This video will show you how you can stop dieting and calorie counting and instead still be able to start losing weight, right away, in 3 easy to do steps. Go check it out the video here:
www.ways-to-loss-weight-fast.com and you'll also LOVE the 1 week diet and workout here with the article ways-to-loss-weight-fast.com/articles/ways-to-loss-weight-fast , and this article gives you a great 1 week diet and workout plan for FREE!
www.ways-to-loss-weight-fast.com and you'll also LOVE the 1 week diet and workout here with the article ways-to-loss-weight-fast.com/articles/ways-to-loss-weight-fast , and this article gives you a great 1 week diet and workout plan for FREE!
Justin A Smith
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Justin_A_Smith
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