Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast - 3 Things Shrewd Marketers Don't Tell You

People nowadays are obsessed with easy ways to lose weight - FAST. They want a shapely, lean, ripped, toned physique - but with not much effort, time, or hard work.
Is it a wonder then why many vendors of weight loss products exploit this opportunity?
Listen to their marketing campaigns:
"Simply peel and stick to burn fat and lose weight!" (ad selling diet patches)
"Take this pill... go to bed...wake up skinny - it's magic!"
The sad thing is that most of us - due to our desperation to get rid of excess weight - have fallen for these tricks.
At the end of the day, Marketers and salespeople are doing their jobs - but don't you think you deserve to make a well-informed and educated purchasing decision?
So here are 4 things that will help you exercise a more intelligent decision when evaluating products to help you in your quest to have the body you've always wanted:
1. Losing weight could mean you're losing mostly water
Some body wraps, slimming teas, and toning creams work mainly by eliminating water from your body.
Doesn't that sound suspect to you already?
Our body is 75% water! So lose some water and you'll lose weight, but you'll still have the same amount of fat.
Is this what you really want? You might as well have your two legs amputated - you'll definitely lose weight instantly - guaranteed!
Find out exactly how these "easy weight loss" products work before you buy anything.
2. When You Starve Yourself, You Just Lose Muscle Mass (and Keep the Fat)
Some weight loss products work by suppressing your appetite. What they don't tell you is that an extremely low calorie diet will actually make you fatter in the end.
When you cut your calories too far, you may lose weight at the start due to the big calorie deficit, but eventually your body thinks you're about to starve to death so it switches to "survival mode." Which isn't good, because all it does when in survival mode is hoard your fat!
See, in order to survive, your body must slow down your metabolism.
To conserve energy during an "energy crisis", your body uses up your lean muscle mass first (NOT fat). This is because lean muscle mass uses up a lot of energy just to be maintained. (It's like throwing away everything else from your boat when your boat is sinking.)
When you lose muscle, your body loses firmness and looks (and actually IS) even fatter and flabbier! Yikes!
3. The Effects Are Either Marginally Small or Temporary
When you DO lose weight through ineffective means, their effects are usually short-term. The effects are usually temporary, so you have to keep buying their stuff to maintain the benefits. And that's exactly what marketers and vendors are training you to do: to keep buying their stuff!
The only way you'll lose weight effectively is when you lose fat safely permanently.
Quick fix weight loss solutions usually just make you lose water and/or muscle mass which ultimately poses risks and are disadvantages.
The truth is that we need to be educated about healthy, sensible, slow and steady permanent fat loss - because that's the only thing that truly works!
Yes, there are ways to get your fitness goals done quickly and easily, but be aware of what compromise you are going to make by doing so.
Yes, there are FAST ways to lose weight. But are they healthy?
Sure, there may be EASY ways to lose weight. But are they permanent and effective?
Will you actually lose fat and keep it off for good?
Are they healthy and safe (no side effects)?
Weight loss is one of those things where the results you get will be determined by the efforts you put in.
Don't be deluded into thinking there are magic potions/creams/pills out there that can magically transform your body with not much effort on your part. If there is, we'll all be buying them!
When it comes to reducing body fat, building muscles and speeding up your metabolism, there are really only 3 things that will work effectively, naturally, inexpensively and healthily: 
  1. proper nutrition
  2. regular exercise, and
  3. a strong motivation reinforced with a positive attitude or mindset!
You are really better off educating yourself about how to eat and exercise properly to achieve your own fat loss goals.
Recommendation The best resource I've found about fat-burning and muscle building is Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program.
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle has been the best-selling fat-loss program in the history of the internet. It's touted as the "Fat Loss Bible"because no other book covers the confusing subject of fat loss as candidly and comprehensively.
What's interesting is that Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle reveals the fat-burning secrets of the world's best bodybuilding and fitness models. Yes, these are the very same principles used by professionals to transform their physiques into a sleek, toned, muscular, and fit one. So if you apply the same principles, you will get the results they are reaping, too!
You can learn more about Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program at http://www.burnfatgainmuscle.info/ .
To read a comprehensive and honest review of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, click on Burn Fat Feed Muscle Review [http://www.bodybuildingworkoutguidereviews.info/burn-the-fat-feed-the-muscle]

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