How Many Steps a Day to Lose Weight - Get the Facts

Many of us wonder, "How many steps a day to lose weight?" It's true that walking is one of the most popular forms of exercise world-wide. All comprehensive weight loss systems include exercise as one of their main components.
Of course, walking is commonly one of the forms of exercise that is recommended for those who are trying to lose weight. But what about the exact number of steps? Well, your beginning number widely varies from person to person. It's based on your current activity level, and then works up to the magic number of 10,000 steps per day.
Step #1) Knowing your Current Activity Level:
This is the first step that you need to take to determine how many steps a day to lose weight. So you need to purchase a pedometer and wear it for a few days, do not do anymore walking than you would normally do. Keep track of your steps each day and then figure out what your average number of steps per day is. This is not a test meant to judge your fitness level; this is only used to give you a starting place for your walking plan. Start with that number and try to add more steps every day.
Step #2) Set a Goal Number:
When deciding how many steps a day to lose weight, your goal should be to work yourself up to 10,000 steps per day. If you are already at 10,000 steps than try to increase the intensity of the steps you are taking, this will allow your body to burn MORE calories. When walking 10,000 steps remember that it is equivalent to a 30-minute exercise program or 5 miles. It is estimated that you will be able to burn between 300 and 400 calories per day by walking 10,000 and you can expect to lose about 1 pound per week.
Tips to Get Started:
After knowing how many steps a day to lose weight, you may be thinking that you cannot do that or that 10,000 is just way too many steps. There are some tips that may help you along your journey. Start slow and build yourself up but keep you routine regular. Skipping days or weeks will put you back to where you began. Purchase some comfortable shoes to wear and keep your pace at a workable level. To help fight boredom you may feel on your walk, ask a friend to go along with you or take along your iPod, it will help make the time go faster.
However, if you want to provide your body with the best HEALTH and optimize your weight loss DIET, a well-balance and nutritious diet plan MUST go hand in hand with your walking program. If you are combining the two then weight loss will not happen, especially at the pace that it could if you had the proper tools.
Start Stepping your way to Losing Weight and Click Here to Join my Weight Loss Challenge today. Weight Loss IS achievable.

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