Top 10 quick tips that helps you get fit

  Did you know that 70 percent of your body shape is what you eat and drink?

Well, that dream body you need to eat a balance of high quality protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats right (yes really!)
They are not too difficult to break into your routine - but could make a big difference between you looking fat and fit this summer.
Here, we had the help of fitness guru David Lloyd Leisure to reveal his top 10 tips for losing those wobbly bits in the time when you get to the beach.
Some of them will be difficult to follow - such as the prohibition of the drink - but remember: no pain, no gain!

1. Hydration to look good
get fit
The liquid is vital! But cooking juices - containing hundreds of hidden calories. Water is 100% free of calories and stop feeling too hungry.

2. Booze ban
get fit
It may taste good, but encourages your body to store fluid under the skin, so look soft. The water is stored in the muscles, helping to look super ripped!

3. Increase Protein
get fit
It regulates appetite and sugar levels in the blood. Therefore, to obtain a source of protein at every meal is essential for anyone trying to eat healthier, lose weight and tone.

4. Reduce coffee
get fit
A drink before your workout helps you to do more exercise. But then stop repairing and relax your body properly.

5. No more butts
get fit
Conducting a series of squats and lunges is a sure way to firm your buttocks and
burn calories too.

6. Add Abs
get fit
For a little more "wow" to pay attention to their environment. Pull the navel towards the spine - this will trigger your abs.
Use exercises to target your focus right abdominal (six pack) and the oblique (side muscles running).
Do not neglect your abs and rotations cables (all shades).

7. Women should weight!
get fit
Ladies also need weight training. Job increases the resistance of lean tissue and increases metabolism - Improves muscle tone and fat reduction.

8. Arms race
get fit
To really better weapons to combine their usual biceps (front muscle) triceps extensions (back muscles). Pumping both arms and they look amazing.

9. Incredible Bulk
get fit
To add muscle in less time (and burn more fat) large groups work best.
For legs - Cable flies leg presses, back - side drop down menus and seated rows.

10. Just Do It!
get fit
Put your plan into your daily exercise - up to an hour, four times a week - and stick to it. You do not get the beautiful body just talking.

6 Easy Steps To Lose Weight Fast

   Being overweight increases your overall health risks. So making weight loss a part of your complete health plan will help avoid those risks and prevent many lifestyle diseases.
   If your plans are reasonable and sensible from the beginning you will increase your chance of achieving your goals. So what should be your long-term goal? And what milestones should you set to show your progress and help you get there?
The following are some simple steps that you can use to set out your goals in your weight loss plan.
   1. Get real
 Most people's weight loss plans are far too optimistic with both how much weight they are planning to lose and the time in which they plan do it. Set a meaningful goal and milestones based on where you are now, the amount of work and dedication you are prepared to put in and what you want to achieve.
 A reasonable target is based on your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a fairly reliable indicator of body fatness for an average person and measures whether you are a healthy weight in relation to your height. With a BMI of less than 18.5 you would be considered underweight, between 19 and 24.9 a healthy weight, between 25 and 29.9 overweight and above 30 is considered obese. However BMI's do vary by race, age and sex and body composition. For an example a muscular person may have a high BMI but very low body fat and be extremely fit!
Confirm that your plan is reasonable with a dietician or other qualified practitioner.
   2. Set clear objectives
 Write down on a piece of paper exactly why you want to lose weight. Having a weight loss plan just for vanity and appearance sake will be far less meaningful than losing weight to improve your health. But it's a good start. Making a plan is the first step in your overall weight loss exercise. It will start you on the road to being more healthy and having more energy to enjoy doing more in your life.
   3. Progress slowly
Short-term weight loss goals should not be unreasonable "pies-in-the-sky." If you haven't exercised for a long time start slowly and gently. Walk before you run.
   4. Focus on doing, not losing
 Rather worrying how much weight you are going to lose in a week, plan how much exercise you're going to do. Be aware that the amount of weight you lose in the short term is out of your control, but the amount you exercise you do is completely up to you.
   5. Reward yourself for progress
 You will save yourself up to fail if you have an all-or-nothing attitude. Assess your efforts fairly and objectively. Be kind to yourself; if you don't achieve some of your goals, just look ahead. You do not need a perfect record to succeed.
   6. Use measurable objectives
 Write down measurable objectives and record your progress against them. Your plan should not be based on hope but focussed and action driven. By including exercise into your weight loss plan you will have some good measures of success. You will be able to plan and measure things like the minutes of exercise or calories burned in order to see your progress.
 Remember that a plan without action is useless. Making a plan and achieving even the small, short term goals will motivate your progressive and successful long term weight-loss.
 Boosting your fitness, health and well being is not always easy but the rewards are great. to join Patrick Millerd a life long health nut (who stills finds exercise painful!) help you find the best path to your health goals.

4 Steps To Lose Weight Now

Permanent weight-loss can be a very simple science. All the tools necessary to bring about the desired result, may already be in the home. It is certainly not necessary to torment the body in an effort to lose the weight. What is required are common sense, nutrition and a little physical effort. Here are 4 steps that can be taken in order to win in the weight loss game:
   1. Educate yourself about weight-loss. Yes, like in every worthwhile endeavor, "Education" is key. Go ahead, type in the words "weight loss" or "lose weight" in your favorite online search engine. You would find more articles and research on losing weight than one can read in the next six months. Certainly you see the tremendous opportunity for a great education here. Of course, not all of the material would be useful for you. The challenge would be to find gold in the research articles.
   2. Set realistic weight loss goals. The key here is to not get in over your head. Where the goals are unrealistic, the effort will not be sustained. No effort, and you will not lose the weight. Remember, your goal is to lose the weight, not to torture yourself. Some say that it is all in your head, so think mind over matter. However, remember it is both nutrition and exercise - a synergistic approach.
   3. Chose a sensible plan. Lets make a declaration here: Diet Pills are not a good idea, Avoid Them. Choose an approach that combines both great nutrition and moderate physical exercise. Your body will thank you because you will begin to look and feel great. Even more than that, you may achieve permanent results. Now, that's the goal! Remember, if you want to lose weight fast, you need to start slowly and methodically.
   4. Work your plan and stick to your plan. One way of sticking with a plan is to constantly envision your goal. Picture yourself the way your body would eventually look. Visualize that new you and what the reactions of others will be. Begin, before hand, to like the new you and you will get there fast. One great secret is to find a trusted friend with similar goals. Another secret is to stay away from those who are negative and unhelpful.
  This simply means that whatever weight loss plan you choose, it will demand all your persistence. Be aware that it may take at least three to six months before you begin to experience the full benefits. Sticking with it may stretch the limits of your resolve, but the idea here is to press on. By now you may realize that choosing a sensible plan, with realistic goals, help. Seek out a plan that is balanced between good nutrition and physical exercise. It should be recognized that neither diet alone nor exercise alone would yield the desired results.
B. C. Williams is a Teacher and Internet Enthusiast who enjoys researching a variety of topics on the Internet. Health and Healing through Natural methods are of particular interest. See Our Recommendation: