Eating Tips on Health and Fitness

Achieving a fit body is not always about exercising. Diet is also a big part of it. These two are actually the main components and core of getting physically fit. For many people, following a healthy diet is much harder than exercising regularly. With the presence of fast and junk foods around the corner, many find it hard to resist the temptation of eating them. Another reason for this is that fast foods are more convenient to buy than making a home cooked meal. Today's modern culture is a fast paced one but everyone should all somehow incorporate the following eating tips on health and fitness into their daily lives.
Many can say that they have been told to never skip breakfast. However, most of them don't have the time to eat in the morning. Skipping breakfast greatly affect the body's metabolism. Once people wake up, they should eat something nutritional and healthy for them to start their body's metabolism. Eating big breakfast meals is also advised since it will be the source of energy throughout the entire day. Remember that a healthy breakfast is mainly composed of lean protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Traditionally, people eat three big meals per day which are composed of breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, scientific studies show that there is a better way for people to divide their meals. Instead of eating three times a day, people should try to divide this further into six meals. The proportions for these meals should be smaller but they should also be nutritional and balanced as well. This is one of the many eating tips on health and fitness that can help people feel full during the entire day.
Everyone had probably experienced emotional and mindless eating. Eating this way will cause people to weigh more especially when they do this every now and then. One way to stop this is to never eat while watching television or while on the sofa or couch. These places are what most people call as their comfort areas. When they get too comfy while eating, they may not realize what and how much food they are eating. Always eat on the table and think about instead the consequences of eating mindlessly.
Following these eating tips on health and fitness can be difficult at first and this is why everyone should start slowly. Start with small changes during the first days and then gradually add more changes to the diet plan. Rushing will never be effective and it can cause failure. If people get lost along the way, they should always refer back to the most basic tips on how to eat healthy.
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5 Fitness Tips That You Must Know

Fitness is something which we all wish to have. But nowadays, life is moving at a jet speed and this has given rise to a number of factors that is taking a toll on our health and adversely affecting our fitness. Diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, thyroid glands malfunctioning etc. are stealthily creeping into our lives, deteriorating life quality and also shortening life span.
Certain bad habits like sedentary lifestyle, junk food habit, lack of physical activity, smoking, drinking etc. have taken us miles away from fitness in the recent times. It is a good thing however that people have started to become aware of the negative impact of these habits and are trying to control them. They are trying to gather fitness tips to stay healthy and happy. This article will provide you with some important fitness tips.
To follow these tips you need not be a fitness freak. Just steer clear of the bad habits and you can automatically abide by the fitness tips.
Here follows the fitness tips:
1. You have to be very specific with your fitness goals. It is not just enough setting a fitness goal. For instance aim at shedding 2 inches off your waistline through your daily work-outs. If you set 2 inches as your specific target, you will know how much exactly you will have to shed and that will give an impetus to your efforts. However make sure that you fix realistic fitness goals for yourself. Unrealistic goals will only shatter your confidence.
2. Adopt a fitness workout plan and chalk out a routine. You can take the help of a personal fitness trainer while doing so. This is one of the most important fitness tips. Your chances of succeeding in your fitness goal increase a tenfold if you follow a structured fitness routine or plan. Nowadays customizable fitness plans are available online too.
3. There is a tendency among fitness freaks to over-train themselves. This is very wrong. If you do so, you may soon lose interest in the workout or may even hurt yourself. The rule is to increase the fitness training timings bit by bit and not all at once. This is another vital fitness tip.
4. Select your own fitness role-models. Read about them and draw adequate inspiration from their journey. If possible put up their photos on the walls of your exercise room. That will be a constant source of mental boost up for you.
5. Nutrition affects your fitness to a great extent. So you need to eat a diet that has the nutritional ability to make you fit. Your diet should be a balanced diet consisting of good fats, natural carbohydrates and lean proteins. Seeds and nuts like sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts are the main sources of good fats. Veggies and fruits are the main sources of natural carbohydrates. Red meat, chicken, poultry, fish are the main sources of lean proteins. Nutrition-related fitness tip is one of the most popular fitness tips.
So these are some important fitness tips. Follow these tips to live a hale and hearty life.
Want to learn how to shed those impossible "pounds" fast and permanently?
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Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast - Lose Weight Fast and Keep it Off

Wouldn't be nice if there was some easy ways to lose weight fast and keep it off? Well maybe there are simple easy to follow healthy ways to get the weight off without starving yourself. You may not know about them or may have just forgotten. In this article will be just that, 3-easy to follow ways to lose weight. Read on...
1. No meal skipping.
One of the worst dietary habits is skipping meals, especially breakfast. This will actually put the pounds on instead of take them off. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day in any weight loss or weight management plan. Skipping breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day such as cravings and eating more junk foods to make up the energy needed that was missed from the lack of eating over more than a 12 hour period.
Instead of skipping breakfast, it would be better to eat a cup or small bowl of high fiber oatmeal or non-sweetened cereal. If you plan to use milk in either, make sure you use low fat milk such as skim or 2% fat. Add in a couple slices of fruit and you are ready for a day without cravings. This step is one of the really easy ways to lose weight fast.
2. Get moving.
You need to do some form of exercise. If anyone tries to make you believe you can lose weight and keep it off for the long term just sitting on the couch and not exercising-well, you will be really disappointed. Make it a point to plan a daily exercise routine such as a brisk walk at lunch, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, going for a nice walk or jog in the afternoon, bicycling or even going for a swim.
These exercises are simple, easy to do and can be completed in 20-45 minutes each day. You do not have to do grueling exercises for it to work. Just find something that you will enjoy and stay with it. If this is not one of the easy ways to lose weight fast, then what is?
3. Healthy eating.
Try to eat as healthy as possible. Eat as much fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. If you cannot purchase fresh produce, then frozen fruits and vegetables will work just fine. The processes for freezing foods has been greatly improved in the last few years leading them to retain more of their vitamins and nutrients.
Eat more white meat instead of red meat. Try to limit your intake of white rice, white potatoes and white bread. Instead eat a limited amount of brown rice, sweet potatoes and high fiber whole grain bread.
Drink plenty of water, which not only has zero calories and no sugar but is filling as well. Stay away from sodas and caffeinated drinks such as coffee and high sugar energy drinks. Since alcoholic beverages are full of sugar, it is best to stay away from them if at all possible. If you do have to drink alcohol, try a small glass of red wine and as always keep everything in moderation.
These are just a few ways to help you get on track. Learn more easy ways to lose weight fast. If you would like to know more and really get started, read on...
Discover how to get your weight under control...for free! Learn how to get the excess weight off and keep it off with "The Secrets To Easy Weight Loss" report! For a limited time get a free video also.
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Top 10 Fitness Tips

"I don't exercise. If God wanted me to bend over, he'd have put diamonds on the floor," comments Joan Rivers. It's true, many of us simply do not enjoy fitness and exercising. It's also true that every single person in this world can benefit from a proper fitness and nutrition program.
Use these top 10 fitness tips to get your workout routine started today. As always, talk with your doctor before starting a new fitness or nutrition program.
Tip #1- Set Realistic and Tangible Goals
Simply stating that you want to lose weight is not effective. Be specific. For example, I want to lose 5 pounds of fat by February 14th.
Tip #2- Measure Your Progress
Take your base measurements and then re-take them on a regular basis. You cannot measure your progress if you have no idea where you started from.
Tip #3- Log Your Workouts
Each and every workout session should be logged. Keep all of your fitness logs in a binder and create your very own success journal.
Tip #4- Mix Up Your Cardio Workouts
Cardio sessions should vary in intensity and in length. Try new cardio activities and keep things fresh.
Tip #5- Strength Training Is Not Just for Men
Everyone should strength train. Strength training builds muscle and increases bone density. Train all major muscle groups 1-3 times per week.
Tip #6- Rest
Get 7-9 hours of deep sleep each and every night. Also rest your muscles by not working out 1-2 days each week.
Tip #7- Warm Up
Warm up for 5-10 minutes before every workout session. You should feel a rise in your body temperature.
Tip #8- Cool Down
Cool down by stretching out your entire body. This helps increase flexibility and decrease muscle soreness the next day.
Tip #9- Nutrition Is Half the Battle
Eating small meals throughout the day complements your fitness routine. Learn to eat healthy and kick diets out of your life forever.
Tip #10- Stay Motivated
Find a workout partner. Sign up for a marathon. Work with a personal trainer. Do whatever it takes to remain committed. If you falter, let go of guilt and get back on your routine as soon as possible.
These top10 fitness tips build the foundation of a safe and effective fitness program. Anyone can drop body fat and gain lean muscle mass by following a realistic workout and nutrition plan. Stay the course and you will be healthier and happier for it.
Lynn VanDyke is the creator of A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Melt the Fat & Gain a Life. It is the only program that shows you exactly how to eat, exercise and succeed with life. The 400+ page interactive program comes complete with over 100 exercises, 130 daily menus, 63 ways to stick with it and loads more. Learn more by visiting:

Juicing for Weight Loss and Better Health

A week ago my sister started a juice fast. She said she wanted to do it for weight loss and as a way to cleanse herself internally. Many people fast for such purposes. A juice cleanse is one of the most common methods that people use to help jump start a weight loss program or to simply help cleanse their body of toxins.

The method my sister chose was by purchasing a three day cleansing program from a company that specializes in all natural juice. These juices were made up of 100% fruits and/or vegetables. She drank these juices for three days and was allowed to eat certain foods when hungry. The results were weight loss and a new love for juicing. She ended up purchasing her own juicer and continues to drink fruits and vegetables as part of her diet now.

A juice fast can be one of the easiest types of fasts to do. Rather than not eating anything at all, you are taking in liquid while getting vitamins and minerals as well. The downside is that you will be hungry and even more so when you have to be around others who are eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The smell of food will make you want to throw in the towel. However, three days isn't extremely long. It just takes discipline to finish. After my sister completed her cleanse, I can share what the pros and cons were:

  • A juice fast is simple and easy to follow
  • Can be inexpensive if you juice fruits and vegetables yourself
  • Weight loss
  • More than likely will continue drinking fresh juice on a regular basis
  • Requires patience and discipline
  • Temptation to quit can be high
  • Can be expensive depending on the plan you follow
Besides the weight loss, I feel the best benefit is that my sister has a whole new outlook on food. She says her cravings are gone and she enjoys the way juicing makes her feel. Her food choices are much better. In fact, her diet has been consisting of items such as broiled fish and vegetables.

Juice cleanses should not be started without consulting with a health professional to be on the safe side. I also would avoid any plan that lasts longer than three days and states that you cannot consume food at all.
Another option for cleansing the body is through the use of herbal cleanses. A good herbal cleanse should allow the consumption of salads and/or fruits and vegetables.

Learn more about the benefits of a herbal cleanse for shedding excess pounds. Check out the Dherbs herbal weight loss supplement at:

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Diet And Weight Loss - 4 Tips Towards Success

A growing epidemic is on the rise, and it's disease is obesity and being overweight. This has lead to a surge in the amount of people that look for all kinds of methods to help them lose weight. This also explains why there have been so many fad diets throughout the recent years. These diets tell people what they want to hear, that they will lose those extra pounds of fat. And that they will do so in a manner that's extremely easy and effective. I hate to break it you but in reality the sellers of these diets are just looking for a quick buck, and these "fad diets" do more harm than good.

It's only natural for a person to want to lose fat quickly, but don't forget that you have to do it in a healthy and successful manner. How many have fallen to these quick weight loss schemes, only to regain all of their lost weight back, and sometimes with the bonus of extra additional weight. However, the dieters that have done so with determination and focus in their approach, not only lose weight in a more efficient and healthy manner, but after they have last that weight they are also more likely to stay at that weight. This may sound difficult to some but it can be done. I will be giving you a few tips in regards to diet and weight loss. These tips will help you to lose weight and make sure that you don't gain the lost weight back!

Diet and Weight Loss Tips

Diet and Weight Loss Tip #1 - Before you start with anything, analyze your situation and set a goal for yourself. Plan how much weight you intend to lose and set a deadline for yourself. Be realistic and don't expect to lose like 40lbs within 1 month. The more weight that you want to lose, the longer your deadline should be. And most importantly be specific when you plan your weight loss goals.

Diet and Weight Loss Tip #2 - You have to understand that you won't be seeing results instantaneously, after all Rome wasn't build overnight! Aim to lose a minimum of 1 lbs a week, up to 5lbs depending on how much you weight. The heavier you are the higher your weight loss should be per week. Be realistic as to what you should expect.

Diet and Weight Loss Tip #3 - Enter the arena well motivated and prepared. Ready yourself mentally and emotionally, this will cause you to handle any potential problems that you might encounter. Get rid of any temptations around you such as Junk Food and your favourite snacks (if they are unhealthy that is). This will cause you to start on the right food and increase your chances of success towards your diets and weight loss success.

Diet and Weight Loss Tip #4 - Ask for support from family and friends. You don't have to lose weight all by yourself. See your doctor, talk to your colleagues and friends about it. They will understand why you refused to join the pizza nights in the office or any similar circumstances. Losing weight together with someone else can be more motivational as well and decrease the chances of giving up.
For more articles related to Losing Fat and Diets check out

Steps To Lose Weight - The ABC's of Weight Loss

Whether you are someone who has been fighting the "Battle of the Bulge" for years, or you're just trying to shed a few pounds for your wedding, you are not alone. As Americans, we live in a society where there is more vanity than the universe has stars. You can't look at a magazine without seeing a model who isn't heavy enough to use as a paperweight on your desk, because she is so skinny! The truth is, nobody needs to be that skinny. But for many of us our lives revolve around an overweight condition. And that should not be the case for anyone.
Think about it for a moment..... Losing weight is not rocket science, but is has become that for many of us. Take a look at the ABC's of Weight Loss! Weight is calories, right? So if you want to lose weight, you'll need to burn more calories than you take in. So why are there a million and a half weight loss programs on the market pulling in billions of dollars a year, and yet so many people who are still overweight? It's because weight loss has become a big business. In fact some of these weight loss products on the market, have come under quite a bit of scrutiny lately. Many are having to change the wording on the bottles. The FDA is not going to allow them to make all those promises without scientific data to back it up.
The ABC's of Weight Loss.... it's not that complicated folks. Taking the right steps to lose weight doesn't involve pills, starvation, or a trip to the gym 5 days a week. What happens when you stop taking the pills? What if you get hungry? Starvation will kill you! What if your life gets busy all of a sudden, and you start missing a few days a week at the gym? Bingo! Back comes the weight!
Steps to Lose Weight and keep it off requires a natural approach. You don't need hundreds of dollars and a bunch of chemicals to do it. You need the information that will help you to understand how food affects your body. It's not just about what you eat, it's also about when you eat it. Food is more powerful than any weight loss drug you could take. Steps To Lose Weight
Do you think about your weight problem daily? Want to look in the mirror and be happy with what you see? Weight loss has become a complicated issue because we are taught to believe it is. I've compiled some more information on the ABC's of weight loss here. ABC's of Weight Loss

5 Steps to Lose Weight and Get A Flat Tummy

Are you trying to lose weight rapidly? If you follow these helpful tips you will surely lose weight in no time! The good part is that this advice will cost you absolutely nothing. The majority of people think it's hard to lose weight fast because they lack the knowledge to do it the right way. However, by using these amazing tips you'll be able to commence burning fat and losing tons of weight today. What are the easiest ways to start losing weight fast?
 1) Make a decision and stay positive and determined: Like a lot of things, before you can really move forward, you have to make a decision. Once you do that, the rest falls into place as long as you make sure to keep positive and upbeat.
 2) Carefully monitor your calories: The best way to lose weight at a fast rate is to burn more calories than you consume regularly, everyday. This means that you should try to go to the gym and workout whenever you have a chance, to burn calories. Try to keep documentation of the sum of calories you are consuming and are burning every single day in a notepad. This way you can keep track of your calorie amount. Your journal will also help you keep track of which foods you should try to stop ingesting like pop, processed, canned, high fat/carb, and sweet foods. foods with corn syrup are really bad!!
 3) Eat good food: Moreover, a great piece of advice we suggest to people trying to lose weight quickly is to stop eating processed food and start eating healthy food. Avoid eating fast food such as McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut and other unhealthy meals, and begin eating healthier food. Some of the healthy foods you can buy are fruits, vegetables, raw and organic foods, fish, hormone free chicken and grass-fed red meats. If you are able to stay restrained, then you will quickly lose lots of weight in no time at all.
 4) Learn how to speed up your metabolism: Make sure you drink tons of water everyday because it will assist in speeding up your metabolism. Water will also help you get rid of toxins and the great thing about water is that it has zero calories and makes you feel full. Always try to drink a couple of cups before eating. Another way to speed up your metabolism is to eat small meals throughout the day instead of huge meals. Also working out or at least a vigorous walk in the morning gets it going early in the day which does more good than later in the day.
 5) Set attainable goals and reward/punishment system: To keep yourself enthused, you should try creating some attainable, realistic, short term and long term goals that you try to achieve. If you set detailed goals for yourself you will be able to reprimand yourself if you fail to achieve your short term goals and reward yourself when you accomplish your longer term objectives.
When you adopt these 5 pointers into your lifestyle, you will keep the weight off and be a far healthier person. Your doctor will be very impressed and so will your sweetie!!!
There are more articles to be found on this topic written by myself from my own experience, as well as other knowledgeable authors here:
Best of success to your weight loss efforts!!
John Wiebe

How to Lose Weight Quick - Four Easy Steps to Lose Weight Quick

Many people want to lose weight quick. But with so many diet books, fads, and routines, it is hard to sift through the BS and find out what is the real deal. Well I abide by a simple rule - K.I.S.S - Keep it simple stupid! The basis for any weight loss program should make perfect sense. It should not consist of eating only cookies or starving yourself. Here are four way you can lose weight quick TODAY -
 1. Eat between four to six meals per day. In order to lose weight and burn the fat, you have to get that metabolism working overtime. The only way to do this is eat small meals ever 2-3 hours. People often make the mistake of eating 2-3 large meals and for most of the day and their metabolism is dormant. You need to speed it up!
 2. Eat a serving of fruit, vegetable, and protein with every meal. Eating a fully balanced meal is one of the best ways to lose weight. You need good calories in your body that will burn efficiently and not be stored as fat.
 3. Stop eating sugars and starchy food. If you are a sugar addict I do not expect you to just give up on them. What you must do is ween yourself off of them. Pick diet drinks or green tea instead of regular soft drinks. Instead of eating white bread and white rice, makes the switch to whole wheat or multigrain. Snack on nuts, vegetables, and fruits instead of chips and other junk food. Pick one bad eating habit a week and change it! Do not try to do too much at once.
 4. Engage in moderate exercise. If you are not the exercise type then don't worry, you don't have to start running marathons. Simple start going out for more walks. Take the stairs when you can instead of the elevator. Do some light stretching at home, yoga, even practice some dance moves if you are by yourself. The AMA says we need about 20-30 minutes of exercise three days a week. This will go a long way to help you burn the fat fast!
Practice these four tips and I promise you will lose weight quick. This is also a completely healthy method, many others promise weight loss but you will simply gain it back as soon as you get off it. You can read below and discover a plan that will map out this entire process for you. What are you waiting for? Start losing weight today!
Have a look as we go in depth and review some of the most popular fat loss products available today. Find out which product is best for your specific goals. Do not fall for scams and hype - get the real truth here!
Steven Hawks is a personal trainer and weight loss enthusiast. After battling with and defeating his own weight problems years ago, he has made it his goal to help others achieve their physical fitness goals. His articles have been used in numerous publications around the world.

Easy Fitness Tips That Will Help Improve Your Health

Being healthy is something that everyone can do. Unfortunately, many people have not been told how they can be healthy, or what things they should do during the day to keep their body in top shape. This article is a quick guide for helping you to maintain your body in the healthiest way possible.
1. Keep a daily journal of what you eat. This way, you can track your health. For instance, you might find that you feel sleepy when you eat too many carbohydrates, or that you feel a burst of energy when you have a smoothie made with fruits and vegetables. A journal can help clue you in to your own health, and provide a good foundation in case you ever need to see a doctor about your diet.
2. Avoid buffets. A buffet may seem like a way to save money when you want to go out and eat some food, but think carefully about what you're doing. Not only do you not have a guarantee that the food is fresh, but you are also going to eat more food than you would have otherwise because you want to get your money's worth. Don't force yourself to eat more food just so you can feel that your money was well spent; it's not good for your body.
3. Eat several meals throughout the day. As a kid you may have been told to have three meals a day, but the truth is that it's better to have a lot of small meals during the day. The reason for this is more meals allow your blood sugar levels to remain consistent, which is good for your body. Not only that, but when you eat more meals you are less likely to binge. Your body is not 'starving' the same as you might if you only eat three times a day.
4.Adding protein to you diet is a great way to have a diet filled with more nutrition. Protein can be found in a variety of sources, including any lean meats and nuts. Protein can also be found in dairy products. Protein is needed for a number of body functions, so when you eat more protein your general health will improve.
5. Planning your meals is a smart idea. When you plan your meals, you take a focused look at the nutrients and vitamins you need in your diet, and allow specific times to have those things. It allows you to save money at the supermarket because if you have a plan, you will only buy the things you need instead of grazing through the entire store.
6. Don't eat too many carbohydrates for breakfast; definitely avoid sweets. Carbohydrates drive up your blood sugar, particular simple carbs like sugars, syrups, pancakes, and many of your sweet breakfast favorites. When you drive up your blood sugar too much, you will crash and become tired and hungry again. Sugar is generally not good for health.
7. It is critical to drink enough water. Every cell in the body uses water, so it is important to keep your body hydrated. Dehydration can lead to all kinds of serious problems, so make sure to stick to your 8-10 recommended cups of water.
As you can now tell, being healthy and eating a diet full of nutrition is possible, although you need a lot of motivation and discipline to pull it off. You just have to know the right things to do and consistently incorporate these tips into your life. Soon, you will find yourself feeling healthier in no time and you'll be able to live your life to the fullest!
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Lower Ab Workout "Easy" Stomach Exercises You Can Do at Home Or Work - Abs Exercise That Work

Lower ab workout? Don't be intimidated. We are not talking three hours at the gym six days a week. Who's got time for that? We are simply talking a few minutes a day, perhaps three or four days a week. And you don't need expensive equipment taking up space in your home, or emptying your wallet.
Everyone can spare at least a few minutes a day to do a few stomach exercises, right?
Next, I am going to give you a easy lower ab workout routine that is so simple and so effective that you won't even realize you are working out. And before you know it, with little effort, you too can have those perfect flat abs you've always wanted by doing a few simple stomach exercises.
Along with healthy eating habits, this lower ab workout can assure you of the goals you want to reach.
Posture is probably the most important step of all. Good posture generates good muscle tone. It really is defeating the purpose if you lose the fat and the muscle along with it. During your daily ritual, whether it be at home or work, take the time to think of you posture.
No matter what you are doing, stand or sit up straight. Let's say you are sitting in your favorite easy chair watching TV or your sitting at your desk at work. With your tummy slightly pulled in and knees together, slowly raise your legs straight out. Hold for a few seconds then slowly lower to the floor. This give a great lower ab workout.
Again, think about your posture during your daily routine. The following are a few examples of simple stomach exercises to flatten those abs.
While vacuuming, keep your back straight while slightly pulling in on your tummy muscles. Keep your feet stationary on the floor. (don't walk with the machine and don't slouch). Lean forward and back up slowly to a straight upright position. This can be applied to just about any of your daily routines.
While picking up around the house. Once again, remember your posture. Stand up straight with tummy pulled in. Bend at the waist. (Never pick up heavy objects at the waist. Bend at the knees). As you go about your daily routine, always remember to maintain your posture and use muscle control. Before you know it, you won't even realize that you are using those muscles.
While standing in a stationary position, whether it be doing dishes or any household chore, stand straight, squeeze muscles, and do shallow knee bends. Even if its only a few inches, you are still working those ab muscles.
Turn the music up! Dance is one of the best lower ab workouts there is. Where is it written that you have to stand perfectly still while dusting? While maintaining your posture and slight muscle control, let your body flow with the music. It's a great lower ab workout!
So, who says they don't have time for a lower ab workout? With little effort, you too can have those perfect flat abs you've always wanted.
If you're interested in learning a full lower ab workout here's a great site that incorporates easy stomach exercises and a wonderful healthy diet plan to give you the perfect lower ab workout. Remember, you don't have to have pain to gain!

Drop Those Last Few Pounds With Easy Fitness Solutions

Are you working out, eating healthy, doing all the right things and still finding it difficult to lose those last few pounds? Believe it or not research from the University of Pittsburgh's medical department shows that those last 5 to 10 pounds are truly the hardest to lose. The reason is that as you lose weight you become smaller which means your body needs less energy to sustain itself therefore, making it harder and harder to lose additional weight.
The good news is that with just a few tweaks to your already healthy lifestyle you can break through that plateau and get the scale moving in the right direction! According to prevention magazine for every pound you lose your metabolism can slow by up to 20 calories per day; so the more weight you have lost the more substantial those calories become. Diet and calorie consumption is definitely only one area to fine tune but keep in mind just cutting your calories is not going to do the trick! Typically women should eat no less than 1200 to 1500 calories per day and men should consume no less than 1500 to 1800 calories. So how do you adjust, adapt and improve to lose those last few pounds? Fine tune your diet, increase your exercise intensity and burn more calories!
Fine tune your diet:
Be sure you are eating the proper amount of macro nutrients everyday. According to information from the Mayo Clinic you should aim for the following:
- 45 to 65 percent of your daily calories from carbohydrates
- 10 to 35 percent of your daily calories from protein
- 20 to 35 percent of your daily calories from fat
Know your serving sizes and keep in mind you can over eat good, healthy food and unknowingly consume more calories than you were aware of. When possible read the nutrition labels on packaged food. Often times what appears to be a single serving size is a lot more. Finally, be aware of hidden calories found in dressings, condiments, beverages and alcohol.
Increase your exercise intensity:
Keep in mind cardiovascular exercises burns the most calories when you are performing the exercise, strength or resistance training allows you to keep burning additional calories even when you are finished exercising.
Work harder and burn more calories during cardio training by increasing your over all speed by just a few points, adding high intensity intervals throughout your workout or by adding just a few more minutes to the end of your workout. When strength training be sure the weight you are lifting is heavy enough, keep your rest time between sets to no more than 30 seconds or give circuit training a try. Perform every exercise in your workout without a break, then take a break and repeat the exercise circuit 1 or 2 more times.
Burn more calories in everyday life:
Stand Up! Studies conducted at the University of Iowa show that for every hour you stand during the day you can burn an extra 50 to 100 calories.
Fidget! If you tap your feet, twiddle your thumbs or just move around you can burn up to 350 more calories in a day than someone who remains stationary according to a study at the Mayo Clinic.
Be Fit, Be Healthy, Be Happy! ~ Tanya
Tanya specializes in helping people achieve optimal health with a highly individualized approach to fitness exercise. She is the founder and creator of featuring a "6 Week Shape UP Challenge" with Sequential Progression. This national fitness and exercise website is completely Free and available to everyone who has the desire to be fit & healthy. Tanya's philosophy has always been that a fit & healthy lifestyle is a process that you build upon; that's why her approach to exercise with Sequential Progression is so effective. Tanya's clients have successfully improved and achieved their health and fitness goals because of this approach. And now with so can YOU!

Stick to Workout Routines That Are Easy to Follow

There are so many workout routines out there that it's easy to get confused. It's better to stick to workout routines that are easy to follow.
Some people might say this approach won't confuse your muscles enough, but that's not the case. If you stick to a workout routine for six weeks, your muscles still haven't developed enough muscle memory to cost you anything in the strength department. It's also good to use a set routine every six weeks because it helps build some core strength.
If you're looking to build strength and/or cardio, it's certainly recommended that you use workout routines that are easy to follow. The first workout routine that will benefit you in all areas if you can maintain a well-balanced diet is pyramiding.
For this pyramiding workout, your week will look like this: Chest, Off, Back/Shoulders, Off, Biceps/Triceps, Legs, Off. Make sure you start on a Monday. That has been proven to be the best day to start a new workout program. You also might notice that back and shoulders and biceps and triceps are together. Usually, you would do back and biceps and chest and triceps together, and shoulders on their own. The reason it's set up this way is so when you go into the regular routine after establishing some core strength, your muscles will be more in shock, which will in turn help you gain strength faster.
For a pyramiding workout, stick to the basic exercises and make it a workout routine that is easy to follow. Do four sets for each exercise and increase the weight and decrease the repetitions each time. For chest: bench press, flys, and push-ups (use books in backpack to increase weight). For back: pull-downs, seated rows, and upright rows. For shoulders: military press, shrugs, front raises, and lateral raises. For Biceps: curls, hammer curls, concentration curls, and reverse curls. For triceps: overheads, skull crushers, and kickbacks. For legs, you can vary your workout based on the machines available, but squats are absolutely necessary.
You also must jog/run for 15 minutes prior to workout. This will be good for your heart, endurance, loosening your body up, and warming up your muscles. In some cases, it will also give you some fatigue. If that's the case, don't worry, that's a good thing. If your muscles are used to working out when fatigued, then on the day you're going for your 1-rep max and you're well rested, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Another one of the workout routines that is easy to follow is the superset workout. As with the last workout, make sure you warm-up with at least fifteen minutes of cardio. You can stick to the same daily routine; the only difference will be that instead of resting between exercises, you will immediately be doing a different exercise. This will force your muscles to work while fatigued, which will build strength. Consider switching to supersets after six weeks of pyramiding.
Follow these rules and watch the gains come fast!
Klint is fairly new to the idea of writing articles online, and has been spending much of his time writing for his own sites. You can visit one of his latest projects over at [] - which helps people find the best information for metal night stands []

Easy Health and Fitness Tips

Staying fit and remaining physically active both intertwine with good health. There are other key factors such as nutrition and lifestyle which also play undeniable roles in the constitution of good health. More so than in any developed nation, there are many people all over the US that suffer tremendously related to health and fitness. Factors such as poor nutrition, lack of exercise and poor lifestyle choices are all elements that play cataclysmic roles in poor health.
With a vast majority of us living on-the-go lifestyles, it is no wonder that only a minute few still find the time to remain physically active and even remotely immersed in health and fitness. Life in the western world can be very hectic. This has left many opting to eat fast foods out of convenience, "saving" them time and effort. Many do not even read the nutritional information on food packaging and this tends to lead to excess sugar, salt and unnatural chemicals being consumed in many diets.
What is more, technological advancements have made some tasks seem effortless. So for the vast majority of people, physical work or activity has now become somewhat of a rarity. What many people do not understand is that health conditions such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, bowel, colon and other cancers, and many more diseases can all be eradicated if not greatly reduced with sufficient exercise and good nutrition - essentially, investing in fitness and health.
If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, the following is a list of quick and easy tips you can begin to use.
First, examine your diet: Read food packaging to find out what you're feeding your body, many health deficiencies are caused by unbalanced diets. The following is a rough guide.
Carbohydrates are the body's own form of gasoline so to speak. Just as a vehicle needs fuel to embark on a journey, so does the human body need fuel to move. There are so many healthy food alternatives in which one can obtain energy (carbohydrates) from. Brown rice is a great source of carbohydrates and unlike white rice; brown rice contains vitamins and iron. Many whole grain foods are great sources of carbohydrates (and fiber - which helps you stay full and regulates digestion). A person who is active and exercising should consume about 60% carbohydrates.
Protein is essential for the growth of cells and also for tissue repair. It is indeed imperative that you include sufficient amounts of protein into your diet. Eggs, and oily fish like sardines are great sources of protein (oily fish also tend to be good sources of omega 3 fatty acids). One of the many health benefits of omega 3 is a reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Protein should make up about 20% of an active person's diet.
Fats. What do these have to do with health and fitness? Fats are not the enemy. They are also a necessary part of a balanced diet. They act as a reserve of energy. Fats also protect body organs. One of the ways to obtain healthy fats can be through using extra virgin olive oil, using this oil to make meals or as a salad dressing has many health benefits. One health benefit is that olive oil can help reduce blood pressure. Just remember to stick with healthy fats that can be found in foods like avocados. Fats (unsaturated) should be about 20% of your diet too.
Secondly, remaining active is essential for good health: Taking gradual but progressive steps is imperative. If you're inactive, try taking longer or brisk walks, or if you're ahead of the curve and want to have the support of a professional try attending a local fitness facility. Remember to always consult your physician before taking on any strenuous activity. The final step now is just to start on your journey towards better health and fitness.
K. Clifford has worked in the field of finance until 2009 when K left the field to pursue a different route into the world of fitness and business management at a fitness center in South Carolina. Helping clients reach their goals and managing a great business are the main focuses in K's life.
To get fit fast with a qualified professional check this out.
For an excellent health and fitness plan for visit this fitness blog.

3 Easy Steps To Losing Weight

Losing weight and becoming healthier is always a hot topic especially this time of year. It is amazing to see how many advertisements and products that exist for this purpose alone. In reality, losing weight and getting fitter couldn't be easier. Here are 3 simple steps you can take to begin a road to a healthier you.
This is listed first because it really is that important. I have seen triathletes (myself included) put in 15 hours of exercise a week and still gain weight. Exercise alone will not cause weight loss. You will improve your cardiovascular system, bone density, and a myriad of other things. However, in order to lose weight you must go into caloric deficit. This simply means you must burn more calories than you consume. I often joke that the single most affective exercise is the "Table Decline". This is where you always say no or decline the offer of more food.
A big misconception out there among many is that they believe in spot reduction. They feel that if they do a lot of abdominal exercises they will lose weight around their midsection. This is simply not the case. You lose weight over your entire body. Another big misconception related to strength training is that you will build so much muscle so quickly and in effect gain unwanted weight even if it is lean muscle. Again, not going to happen and even less likely if you are avoiding isolation type movements and exercises commonly done in the 1980's and 1990's.
The final piece to the fitness puzzle is doing cardio. Cardio workouts really are only limited by your imagination. You can row, bike, swim, run, walk, climb, skate, etc.. It is pretty much limitless. If you are moving then you are doing cardio. Really only 30 minutes a day of cardio are needed depending on intensity levels.
Usually most out there are able to get 2 of the 3 steps down. However, for some reason it is difficulty to get all three at the same time. Many endurance athletes have the nutrition and cardio down pretty well but don't lift weights out of fear of becoming too heavy which is counterproductive in endurance sports. The weight lifters have the nutrition and strength training down but don't do cardio out of fear of losing size. This maybe all well and good if you are attempting to compete in a certain event. However, most just want to be healthy and look good. If you are one of those then create your routine to include small changes in all three of the above areas (Nutrition/Strength/Cardio). You don't need to train for more than an hour per day (30 minutes cardio and 30 minutes strength). Then make small changes in your diet. Remember, this is a lifestyle change so you are creating a new life here. This take time and consistent effort. Too big of changes too early most often are well intentioned but not sustainable.
I hope this helps you get on a better road to health and fitness. Inside everyone is a healthier body dying to get out.
Pete Simon
USAT Level I Coach

Easy Bake Fitness

Everyone makes fitness and weight loss seem harder than it is. There are the TV infomercials shouting the latest scientific breakthrough and that if you don't have their gadget you won't have abs. Then you have the tabloids with their extreme celebrity diets. And of course, I can't forget to mention the Biggest Loser, which shows extremely overweight people working out for 8+ hours a day to lose weight. While the show may inspire some to get off the couch, which by the way they are sitting on while they watch the show, it makes many more feel like Big Losers because they can't dedicated that same amount of time to fitness and weight loss. What they don't realize is that fitness and weight loss is as simple as following a recipe.
As my mentor Alwyn Cosgrove has said, "Most people can bake cookies if they have a recipe in front of them. So all you need is a recipe for fitness and then follow each step." Of course you need to follow the right recipe for your goal.
So what is this simple recipe? 
1. Nutrition - this is the most important ingredient.
2. Strength Training - research has shown that strength training 3-4 days per week for 30-40 minutes is the most effective way to lose body fat and change your body.
3. Interval Training - the research has also shown that interval training results in 9 times more fat loss than steady-state cardio.
4. Post-Workout Protein Shake - if there is one thing you could do to get better results it is to drink a protein shake immediately post-workout.
5. Consistency & Patience - this is the baking part of the recipe. You don't just mix the cookie batter and have cookies you must patiently wait while heat is consistently applied. Fitness and weight loss are the same it takes time to see results and you have to be consistent.
So there you have it. Follow the recipe step by step and you will see results. If you change the recipe you will end up with something else and just like cookies it probably won't taste too good.
Josh Proch is fitness coach and owner of Defined Fitness located in New Castle, Pennsylvania. For more information visit [].

Exercises to Lose Weight - A Few Easy Steps!

Have you ever purchased jeans on impulse? And then realized that it was not your size? Did you run back to the store? Did you fret about your extra pounds? If any of these questions have popped up in your mind then you need to exercise to lose weight and burn those pounds off. Studies show that exercise is the best way to lose weight. You will also be fit and healthy.
Exercise is the sure shot method to lose weight. It will also make you feel energetic. The best part is that you can get into your desired outfit and just listen to the compliments that will pour in. You yourself will spend more time in front of the mirror grooming and enjoying your new look.
How to lose body fat? Once you have made up your mind to lose those extra calories, keep a track of what you eat. This is the first step to be followed. Half the work becomes easier if you eat a healthy diet. Remember the saying "you are what you eat". Secondly; exercise! By exercise I mean any form of it.
And most importantly exercise everyday. Plan out your schedule and implement it. You can go to the gym or just exercise in the four walls of your house, as it's the quickest way to lose weight. Try walking. It also acts as a stress buster and helps you to lose body fat. Enjoy the world outside by listening songs on your iPod, or just enjoy some fresh air. If you have time in the morning just go for a jog. If there is park nearby you can rope in some friends too.
If you love to be at home or generally an indoor person then there are lots of exercises that can be done at home for rapid fat loss. Try some sit-ups and crunches. You can also try skipping and running for weight loss. But be sure that you don't overdo it as extreme fat loss does not work... Rome was not built in a day. Start with light exercises and then gradually increase the workouts, and make sure to wear comfortable clothes.
Even sweeping and swabbing the house will burn out the extra calories in you. Exercises alone can not help you to lose weight - you also need to make sure you are drinking enough water or you might become dehydrated. Please do not starve yourself to lose weight - eat healthy food and foods that burn fat. Consuming food that is rich in fiber is good. Avoid oily stuff. High calorie food should not be consumed. Your best friends at this juncture will be fish, fruits and vegetable. Have lots of salads. Drink a lot of water. This flushes out all the toxins in your body and is great for extreme fat loss. Eat good foods, and exercise to lose weight [], and you will start shedding pounds in no time at all! Good eating habits go hand in hand with living a healthy lifestyle, so be sure to watch what you eat.
For a more in-depth look at some advanced weight loss techniques, go ahead and visit [] We have compiled a massive amount of weight loss guides and information for your use - so click the above link to read more about some of the fastest ways to lose weight!

Outdoor Fitness - Some Easy Tips

You probably don't want to get up every morning to hit the same place to work out at, do you? Workouts in the gym can get really boring, and it can even force you to withdraw from working out. You can have a hard time motivating yourself if you tend to routinely work out in the gym. But you have a good option in outdoor fitness workouts to keep your motivation level at a high.
If you enjoy some fresh air, then outdoor exercises can be your serious long-term companion, to whom you would love to come back again and again. It's even backed by scientific research that an outdoor exercise regimen can boost your stamina and strength by supplying more oxygen to you at a faster rate.
An Outdoor Fitness Regimen De-Stresses Your Mind
By now it's a well established scientific fact that outdoor exercises are really good for your mental and emotional, as well as your physical health. My grandma can really feel vindicated at such a claim,she's been saying this all my life! When you exercise outside in the green environment, your body releases stress hormones and helps your burdened mind to calm down a bit. The serene surroundings also lighten you up emotionally.
Some easy Outdoor Fitness Tips
1. Walking: At first, this seems an awkward inclusion into your outdoor fitness regimen list. People tend to associate fitness with something like dedicated military exercises, but they forget that simple things like walking can really boost their stamina, and can be done by anyone. Regular walking can cure many physical ailments, and is like a cure-all for all your health problems. It's much better for burning calories than going in for weight loss diets that force you to cut down on almost everything you eat.
2. Biking: This is something that is on everyone's lips when outdoor fitness exercise is mentioned. It keeps your legs in perfect shape, improves blood circulation, and you tend to drink a lot of water which helps to flush out the toxins from your body, thus improving your health too.
3. Yoga: Yoga is a great way to reconnect with your soul, and at the same time it helps you maintain physical fitness. People can do it in the comfort of their homes, but it's best to practice Yoga in natural surroundings, as doing Yoga means inhaling a great amount of oxygen- the purer it is the better. It's not just good for losing weight and maintaining a tip-top physical shape, but it also helps the body and mind to recover from a trauma quickly.
4. Sport: This is probably something everyone will put up their hand for. Sport is not just for recreation, it can be perfect for exercising each and every part of your body. You name it: heart, lungs, abdomen, legs, hands, chest, your mind too, and it exercises every part with such perfection that it beats, even the best highly dedicated training exercise for each part, hands down. You can play Soccer, Volleyball, and many others to keep yourself fighting fit. It's also one of the best ways to get moving (our lazy bodies) in winter.
There's no need to stick to a daily gym session to keep yourself in perfect shape, outdoor fitness workouts provide you far better ways to stay fit and healthy.
And there's so much to learn about outdoor fitness, so visit us today!
Amanda Bell is a self proclaimed "fitness junkie" and enjoys telling others about how she enjoys outdoor fitness.

Eating Healthy To Lose Weight - 4 Important Steps to Take Note

The perfect way of living a healthy life is eating healthy to lose weight. You don't have to resort yourself to crash diets or sudden outburst of exercises. Your body is not a machine that when you push a button it will follow. Our body works by gradual change and consistency.
So you need to do to lose weight in a healthy way? Just continue reading.
Body's energy needs and weight reduction
Our body basically needs food to function well. And if your food intake exceeds, the tendency of our body is to store it as fat. As a result, if you eat more than the required energy of our body, you get fat and gain weight.
So how do you lose weight in a healthy way?
  • You must decrease your caloric intake
  • You must increase your physical activity (No to sedentary lifestyle)
Provide change on your body slowly
When you want to lose weight, you shouldn't shock your body for sudden changes. You should gradually introduce those changes so that your body may be able to adapt on those changes made. For an instance, you usually eat 10 junk foods a week. You should gradually reduce it to 8 junk foods a week, then 7, up to you totally deleted it from your system.
The gradual change is also applicable to exercises. You don't have to suddenly try on a heavy workout. You can do little workouts and eventually, increase the intensity as long as your body can tolerate it.
Lower your intake of calories
In this area, you have to reduce your calorie intake. It means that you have to limit those cakes, sweets and consuming a bunch of foods. Losing weight will never happen if you continue to munch a thousand calories. But I'm not saying to there will be no more sweets. What I'm trying to say is you must gradually decrease your sweet intake.
So, how do you reduce our caloric intake?
  • Drink water, water and just water.
  • Replace your whole milk to a semi skimmed milk
  • If the food served is your favourite, eat small portions of it ONLY.
  • Lessen those sugar every time you are having coffee or tea
  • Avoid those second helping every meal
  • Avoid the junk food
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Eat small meals every 5 to 6 times a day.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables
Patience and determination
Eating healthy to lose weight is the key to have a healthy life. To attain it, you must have a great amount of determination and patience to accept those changes in you. Being motivated is also the key to have that dreamy figure you want.
Not only have that, losing weight reduced the risk of health problems due to obesity. It also keeps your cardiovascular system healthy thus reducing the risk of heart attack. Being fit can make us do whatever we want without any worries and hesitation. We tend to enjoy life when we are fit. Life is short. We must enjoy life and live as if it's going to end.
The bottom line is that motivation plus a healthy lifestyle is equivalent to losing weight and being physically fit.
Do you wish to start eat healthy? Check out The Diet Solution Review by Isabel De Los Rios and discover the secrets towards how to eat healthy.
Find out which weight loss program is suitable for you through our Best Weight Loss Programs page here. Click on the above link to discover which programs can help you lose weight today.

Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast - Steps to Make Your Weight Loss Effort Easier

There are lots of easy ways to lose weight fast today because in these modern times, people's perception and definition of a healthy and fit body is a slim, toned or muscular body. This rage has caused people to try anything and go through different techniques to lose weight and achieve the bodies they desire. Some do achieve this right and healthy way through diet and exercise. On the other hand desperate people often resort to crash diets, diet pills and expensive state of the art equipments and surgeries. Though latest diet craze, crash diets, diet pills, fasting and surgeries can cause rapid weight loss they also have harmful effects to the body. There are many ways to lose weight fast but these sudden changes in the body these can cause problems. You do not need instantaneous resolutions or miracles to lose weight. All you have to do are follow these very simple steps.
The very first step is to encourage yourself and have self confidence. Boost your esteem first. You have to believe in yourself. This will help you stick with and go through the weight loss regimen. Next you have to have an achievable goal. It must be realistic, sensible, and practical and time bounded. For an instance, your goal is to lose one two pounds a week. The tendency of setting an unrealistic goal may leave you discouraged and cause you to stop your regimen. Like planning to lose 20 pounds in a week, this type of goal is not achievable unless you will have surgeries, rehabilitation and etc. Having this type of goal will make you feel discouraged once you weigh yourself and find out you weren't able to reach your goal.
One of the easy ways to lose weight fast is that you have to determine your daily caloric intake. You have to lower your caloric intake, know how many calories you burn in a day and now how many calories you have to consume to go through the whole day. You have to stop eating snacks in between meals and know which foods you have to reduce or cut from your daily intake. You also have to search for healthy alternatives to the food you cut out. Most importantly, you have to start eating healthy. For example, eat lean meats like chicken and fish rather than pork or beef which are high in fat and calories. Eat a healthy breakfast or food high in fiber and low sugar meals and fresh fruit. Never ever skip meals! Skipping meals will lead you to starvation which will result to eat a lot more. Small but frequent feedings is highly recommended to prevent starvation that will lead you to eat a big load of meal.
Finally, you have to exercise. Your weight loss regimen would not be complete without burning calories. You can start with light exercises like walking and aerobics then gradually increase your exercise routine. You have to have at least 30 minutes of exercise at least four days a week. You can also lift weights, do resistance and weight training. This will help you build muscle, lose weight and tone your body.
You have to be consistent and disciplined to achieve your goal but don't forget to have fun and take time to rest as you do the easy ways to lose weight fast. Weight loss regimens can be tough, painful and boring but you have to be patient and believe in yourself. Then, if you've achieved the weight you wanted you still have to maintain a healthy regimen not just to have a toned body but to be more healthy and fit.
Are you lacking the Visit our Stay Slim Lose Weight website and find out how you can lose the extra weight and stay slim with a healthy body. at our site and find the most suitable lose weight program for yourself today.

5 Easy Steps For Losing Weight After 40

Many people naturally assume that it is impossible to lose weight once you hit the age of forty and over. This couldn't be further from the truth. You can do a search for many men and women who have lost weight and got into the best shape of their lives - all after the age of 40. They are no different from you or I. How would you like to achieve your goal weight and look better than ever? Check out the fundamentals below.
 Step 1 - Before starting any new exercise or nutrition program, it is important to get a check up with your doctor. Many times, a medical examination may reveal other health issues that could have caused your weight gain. Also, your doctor may give you advice that will help with your new fitness goals.
 Step 2 - Purchase some cheap notebooks (spiral or composition books are fine.) You will need at least two. One for your daily food log and one for your exercise log. Before you ignore this step, keep in mind that many individuals swear by their food and exercise journals. On a side note - actor Jason Statham keeps both a food and exercise journal in order to eat healthy and track exercise progress - and you can see from his physique it is paying off.
 Step 3 - There is no doubt your eating habits will have to change. The mistake many people make is by immediately shopping for all kinds of health foods they never ate in the first place. Try subtracting the unhealthy foods from your diet first. Start off easy by first eliminating sugary drinks like soda and fancy coffee drinks.
 Step 4 - Set small goals rather than one large one that will seem harder to attain. Set a goal per week or per month and then reward yourself when you achieve them. For example, if your goal is to lose 2 pounds per week, you could reward yourself with your favorite things like a new outfit, going to the movies, etc. Before long, you will have lost a significant amount of weight without feeling like it was a struggle.
 Step 5 - Exercising will become a regular part of your life. However, did you know that over time, doing the same exercises over and over again will lead to a plateau? Not only that, but did you know that there are certain exercise methods that can burn fat more effectively than the typical cardio exercises you are familiar with and in a shorter amount of time?
Start Reaping the Benefits Today - The 5 steps above are definitely fundamentals to a successful weight loss plan but how much easier would it be to have a guaranteed plan of attack that is easy to follow? Follow the url below in my signature - you'll be glad you did.
Losing weight after 40 is not an impossible task. Make it even easier by reading free user reviews and feedback of Fit Over 40 - a fitness guide designed especially for individuals 40 years of age and older.

How to Lose Weight Fast For Teens - 4 Easy Steps For Teens to Lose Weight Fast

How to lose weight fast for teens is a question that almost all teenagers would like to have answered. Teenagers have a lot of energy and can very easily lose a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time. Even though, teens are always surrounded by unhealthy food choices, they can succeed in losing weight. In this article I will be sharing with you four steps for fast weight loss for teens.
4 Tips to Lose Weight Fast for Teens:
  1) Have a plan. You need to have a plan when you want to lose weight. Remember, you must move more and eat less! The idea is to burn more calories than what you eat. You need to make more healthier food choices. You should have a plan in place that will allow you to eat less calories and exercise more. You should be limiting your calorie intake to around 1,500 calories per day. For exercising, aim to exercise for around 30 minutes to 1 hour per day. Make sure you incorporate healthy eating and a proper amount of exercise each day. If you make you plan with these elements in mind, you will lose weight!
  2) Exercise everyday. You can play sports, go walking, ride bikes, etc. Make sure you exercise for at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour each time you exercise. Also, try working some weight training into your exercise routine. Also concentrate on the areas of your body that needs work on.
  3) You need to eat healthy. Remember to eat as much fruits and vegetables as you can. Don't resort to eating junk food, fast food, sweets and any other unhealthy snacks. Try limiting the amount of carbohydrates you eat. For your meals, eat more protein and eat leaner cuts of meats, such as chicken and fish.
  4) Drink a lot of water. Make sure to drink a lot of water when you are exercising and at other times during the day. The water will keep you hydrated and will flush out harmful toxins from your body. Try not to drink juices and soda pop. These types of drinks have a lot of sugar and calories.
In this article I shared with you four steps for how to lose weight fast for teens. If you follow these simple tips, you can lose weight quickly!
Would like to learn about a great weight loss system that will allow everyone including teens lose weight? There is such a program available that allows you to lose weight and get healthy! Go to, to learn more.

Coach Yourself Thin: Five Steps To Lose The Weight For Good - Book Review

If you are overweight, you have probably "hit the wall" more than once as you may have used one of the many dieting plans that are constantly being touted on your screen or television service or you may have opted for something else, but the point is you need help.
This is where the book "Coach Yourself Thin: Five Steps to Retrain Your Mind, Reclaim Your Power, and Lose the Weight for Good" comes to the rescue as personal trainers and authors Greg Hottnger and Michael Scholtz layout their own five-step plan, based on your own set of achievable goals, step in to help out.
This is more than just one of the many "how-to" books that have flooded the market in the recent past as the publishing world tries to cash in on the "latest and greatest" trend losing weight. As Hottinger and Scholtz point out, you need to set up your own plan or reasonable goals and stick to it and when you reach your goals, you then look for a new set of goals to reach, again, sensibly and you work toward them.
That their approach works is beyond doubt as Coach Yourself Thin shows. Together, Hottinger and Scholtz have established an online presence, The Biggest Loser Club, and their results have been little short of amazing as the club and its materials help those who have "hit the wall" with their current plans break through to the next level where weight is once again coming off and fitness is improving.
Hottinger and Scholtz's five-step plan starts by identifying those areas of your life that are standing in the way of weight loss. Their plan covers all of the aspects of your life from the physical to the emotional to the social and, using what they learn about you, they help you design a real program that will help you to take the weight off and keep it off.
Their strategy is simple: ensure that your program is not only enjoyable so that you will integrate it into your life but also so that it is sustainable and won't force you to do drastic things like starve yourself for a week, literally eating nothing, but "cleansing yourself with water (our example)" which is probably more than you ever dreamed you were signing up for and, thus, it is a program you won't sustain.
Hottinger and Scholtz have studied these types of programs, as well as others on the market and their approach is sensible and, more importantly, sustainable. It is something you set up for yourself. They give you the tools and help you with the techniques you need to break down the cycle of failure and turn it into success so that your strategy will work over the long term and you will achieve success.
Roberto Sedycias works as an IT consultant for