Top 10 quick tips that helps you get fit

  Did you know that 70 percent of your body shape is what you eat and drink?

Well, that dream body you need to eat a balance of high quality protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats right (yes really!)
They are not too difficult to break into your routine - but could make a big difference between you looking fat and fit this summer.
Here, we had the help of fitness guru David Lloyd Leisure to reveal his top 10 tips for losing those wobbly bits in the time when you get to the beach.
Some of them will be difficult to follow - such as the prohibition of the drink - but remember: no pain, no gain!

1. Hydration to look good
get fit
The liquid is vital! But cooking juices - containing hundreds of hidden calories. Water is 100% free of calories and stop feeling too hungry.

2. Booze ban
get fit
It may taste good, but encourages your body to store fluid under the skin, so look soft. The water is stored in the muscles, helping to look super ripped!

3. Increase Protein
get fit
It regulates appetite and sugar levels in the blood. Therefore, to obtain a source of protein at every meal is essential for anyone trying to eat healthier, lose weight and tone.

4. Reduce coffee
get fit
A drink before your workout helps you to do more exercise. But then stop repairing and relax your body properly.

5. No more butts
get fit
Conducting a series of squats and lunges is a sure way to firm your buttocks and
burn calories too.

6. Add Abs
get fit
For a little more "wow" to pay attention to their environment. Pull the navel towards the spine - this will trigger your abs.
Use exercises to target your focus right abdominal (six pack) and the oblique (side muscles running).
Do not neglect your abs and rotations cables (all shades).

7. Women should weight!
get fit
Ladies also need weight training. Job increases the resistance of lean tissue and increases metabolism - Improves muscle tone and fat reduction.

8. Arms race
get fit
To really better weapons to combine their usual biceps (front muscle) triceps extensions (back muscles). Pumping both arms and they look amazing.

9. Incredible Bulk
get fit
To add muscle in less time (and burn more fat) large groups work best.
For legs - Cable flies leg presses, back - side drop down menus and seated rows.

10. Just Do It!
get fit
Put your plan into your daily exercise - up to an hour, four times a week - and stick to it. You do not get the beautiful body just talking.

6 Easy Steps To Lose Weight Fast

   Being overweight increases your overall health risks. So making weight loss a part of your complete health plan will help avoid those risks and prevent many lifestyle diseases.
   If your plans are reasonable and sensible from the beginning you will increase your chance of achieving your goals. So what should be your long-term goal? And what milestones should you set to show your progress and help you get there?
The following are some simple steps that you can use to set out your goals in your weight loss plan.
   1. Get real
 Most people's weight loss plans are far too optimistic with both how much weight they are planning to lose and the time in which they plan do it. Set a meaningful goal and milestones based on where you are now, the amount of work and dedication you are prepared to put in and what you want to achieve.
 A reasonable target is based on your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a fairly reliable indicator of body fatness for an average person and measures whether you are a healthy weight in relation to your height. With a BMI of less than 18.5 you would be considered underweight, between 19 and 24.9 a healthy weight, between 25 and 29.9 overweight and above 30 is considered obese. However BMI's do vary by race, age and sex and body composition. For an example a muscular person may have a high BMI but very low body fat and be extremely fit!
Confirm that your plan is reasonable with a dietician or other qualified practitioner.
   2. Set clear objectives
 Write down on a piece of paper exactly why you want to lose weight. Having a weight loss plan just for vanity and appearance sake will be far less meaningful than losing weight to improve your health. But it's a good start. Making a plan is the first step in your overall weight loss exercise. It will start you on the road to being more healthy and having more energy to enjoy doing more in your life.
   3. Progress slowly
Short-term weight loss goals should not be unreasonable "pies-in-the-sky." If you haven't exercised for a long time start slowly and gently. Walk before you run.
   4. Focus on doing, not losing
 Rather worrying how much weight you are going to lose in a week, plan how much exercise you're going to do. Be aware that the amount of weight you lose in the short term is out of your control, but the amount you exercise you do is completely up to you.
   5. Reward yourself for progress
 You will save yourself up to fail if you have an all-or-nothing attitude. Assess your efforts fairly and objectively. Be kind to yourself; if you don't achieve some of your goals, just look ahead. You do not need a perfect record to succeed.
   6. Use measurable objectives
 Write down measurable objectives and record your progress against them. Your plan should not be based on hope but focussed and action driven. By including exercise into your weight loss plan you will have some good measures of success. You will be able to plan and measure things like the minutes of exercise or calories burned in order to see your progress.
 Remember that a plan without action is useless. Making a plan and achieving even the small, short term goals will motivate your progressive and successful long term weight-loss.
 Boosting your fitness, health and well being is not always easy but the rewards are great. to join Patrick Millerd a life long health nut (who stills finds exercise painful!) help you find the best path to your health goals.

4 Steps To Lose Weight Now

Permanent weight-loss can be a very simple science. All the tools necessary to bring about the desired result, may already be in the home. It is certainly not necessary to torment the body in an effort to lose the weight. What is required are common sense, nutrition and a little physical effort. Here are 4 steps that can be taken in order to win in the weight loss game:
   1. Educate yourself about weight-loss. Yes, like in every worthwhile endeavor, "Education" is key. Go ahead, type in the words "weight loss" or "lose weight" in your favorite online search engine. You would find more articles and research on losing weight than one can read in the next six months. Certainly you see the tremendous opportunity for a great education here. Of course, not all of the material would be useful for you. The challenge would be to find gold in the research articles.
   2. Set realistic weight loss goals. The key here is to not get in over your head. Where the goals are unrealistic, the effort will not be sustained. No effort, and you will not lose the weight. Remember, your goal is to lose the weight, not to torture yourself. Some say that it is all in your head, so think mind over matter. However, remember it is both nutrition and exercise - a synergistic approach.
   3. Chose a sensible plan. Lets make a declaration here: Diet Pills are not a good idea, Avoid Them. Choose an approach that combines both great nutrition and moderate physical exercise. Your body will thank you because you will begin to look and feel great. Even more than that, you may achieve permanent results. Now, that's the goal! Remember, if you want to lose weight fast, you need to start slowly and methodically.
   4. Work your plan and stick to your plan. One way of sticking with a plan is to constantly envision your goal. Picture yourself the way your body would eventually look. Visualize that new you and what the reactions of others will be. Begin, before hand, to like the new you and you will get there fast. One great secret is to find a trusted friend with similar goals. Another secret is to stay away from those who are negative and unhelpful.
  This simply means that whatever weight loss plan you choose, it will demand all your persistence. Be aware that it may take at least three to six months before you begin to experience the full benefits. Sticking with it may stretch the limits of your resolve, but the idea here is to press on. By now you may realize that choosing a sensible plan, with realistic goals, help. Seek out a plan that is balanced between good nutrition and physical exercise. It should be recognized that neither diet alone nor exercise alone would yield the desired results.
B. C. Williams is a Teacher and Internet Enthusiast who enjoys researching a variety of topics on the Internet. Health and Healing through Natural methods are of particular interest. See Our Recommendation:

5 Easy Steps To Lose Weight

Losing weight does not require you to starve. You can lose weight by eating the right way. The following are five easy steps that tell you how to lose weight:
Eliminate Sugar from Your Diet
Sugary drinks and foods are high in calories. Since they are not as filing as other food, you tend to crave for more sugary food. Therefore, you gain a lot of weight by consuming sugar more than required.
According to the World Health Organization, consuming 10% of your total calorie intake is safe for your health. It means that your daily diet should consist of not more than fifty grams of sugar. Try your best to reduce the amount of sugar from your diet. The harder you try, the better results you will get.
Eat Five To Six Meals per Day
Although it is difficult to believe, but eating five to six meals a day reduces your body fats. Eating frequently actually helps increase the level of metabolism of your body. If you have a high metabolism rate, it will enable you to lose weight fast. Therefore, health professionals recommend that you should eat five to six small meals a day.
Secondly, never skip breakfast. Many people are of the opinion that eating less will eventually help them lose weight. However, it actually makes you gain weight. So it is important that you eat breakfast because it will make you feel fuller and you will not feel hungry the rest of the day.
Add Fiber to Your Grocery List
Fiber is a form of carbohydrate that is found in various fruits, vegetables, grains, and seeds. Fiber contributes highly in weight loss. Since it is a non-digestive food, it stays in your stomach longer. That is why you feel full after eating fiber-rich foods. For instance, if you eat a single slice of whole grain bran bread, you will feel fuller as compared to eating two slices of white bread.
You can include fiber as a part of your daily diet. When you go grocery shopping, make sure you buy fiber-rich foods such as nuts, brown rice, oat, berries, cucumbers, apples, and tomatoes.
Drink Water
Before eating your meal, drink a glass of water. This will fill up your stomach before you eat. Once you feel fuller, you tend to eat less. It will help hold back your appetite. Moreover, you can prevent yourself from overeating this way. As a result, you will lose weight fast.
Track Your Weight Loss
You should always know whether you are on the right track or not. To achieve your weight loss goal, keep a measuring tape with you. Measure your waist before and after your weight loss efforts. Compare the difference and always be motivated.
With a sensible, which available products in the market, and introducing some activity again into your week - you'll start to see results quickly.You'll save calories and money by starting a weight loss programs.

Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast - 3 Things Shrewd Marketers Don't Tell You

People nowadays are obsessed with easy ways to lose weight - FAST. They want a shapely, lean, ripped, toned physique - but with not much effort, time, or hard work.
Is it a wonder then why many vendors of weight loss products exploit this opportunity?
Listen to their marketing campaigns:
"Simply peel and stick to burn fat and lose weight!" (ad selling diet patches)
"Take this pill... go to bed...wake up skinny - it's magic!"
The sad thing is that most of us - due to our desperation to get rid of excess weight - have fallen for these tricks.
At the end of the day, Marketers and salespeople are doing their jobs - but don't you think you deserve to make a well-informed and educated purchasing decision?
So here are 4 things that will help you exercise a more intelligent decision when evaluating products to help you in your quest to have the body you've always wanted:
1. Losing weight could mean you're losing mostly water
Some body wraps, slimming teas, and toning creams work mainly by eliminating water from your body.
Doesn't that sound suspect to you already?
Our body is 75% water! So lose some water and you'll lose weight, but you'll still have the same amount of fat.
Is this what you really want? You might as well have your two legs amputated - you'll definitely lose weight instantly - guaranteed!
Find out exactly how these "easy weight loss" products work before you buy anything.
2. When You Starve Yourself, You Just Lose Muscle Mass (and Keep the Fat)
Some weight loss products work by suppressing your appetite. What they don't tell you is that an extremely low calorie diet will actually make you fatter in the end.
When you cut your calories too far, you may lose weight at the start due to the big calorie deficit, but eventually your body thinks you're about to starve to death so it switches to "survival mode." Which isn't good, because all it does when in survival mode is hoard your fat!
See, in order to survive, your body must slow down your metabolism.
To conserve energy during an "energy crisis", your body uses up your lean muscle mass first (NOT fat). This is because lean muscle mass uses up a lot of energy just to be maintained. (It's like throwing away everything else from your boat when your boat is sinking.)
When you lose muscle, your body loses firmness and looks (and actually IS) even fatter and flabbier! Yikes!
3. The Effects Are Either Marginally Small or Temporary
When you DO lose weight through ineffective means, their effects are usually short-term. The effects are usually temporary, so you have to keep buying their stuff to maintain the benefits. And that's exactly what marketers and vendors are training you to do: to keep buying their stuff!
The only way you'll lose weight effectively is when you lose fat safely permanently.
Quick fix weight loss solutions usually just make you lose water and/or muscle mass which ultimately poses risks and are disadvantages.
The truth is that we need to be educated about healthy, sensible, slow and steady permanent fat loss - because that's the only thing that truly works!
Yes, there are ways to get your fitness goals done quickly and easily, but be aware of what compromise you are going to make by doing so.
Yes, there are FAST ways to lose weight. But are they healthy?
Sure, there may be EASY ways to lose weight. But are they permanent and effective?
Will you actually lose fat and keep it off for good?
Are they healthy and safe (no side effects)?
Weight loss is one of those things where the results you get will be determined by the efforts you put in.
Don't be deluded into thinking there are magic potions/creams/pills out there that can magically transform your body with not much effort on your part. If there is, we'll all be buying them!
When it comes to reducing body fat, building muscles and speeding up your metabolism, there are really only 3 things that will work effectively, naturally, inexpensively and healthily: 
  1. proper nutrition
  2. regular exercise, and
  3. a strong motivation reinforced with a positive attitude or mindset!
You are really better off educating yourself about how to eat and exercise properly to achieve your own fat loss goals.
Recommendation The best resource I've found about fat-burning and muscle building is Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program.
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle has been the best-selling fat-loss program in the history of the internet. It's touted as the "Fat Loss Bible"because no other book covers the confusing subject of fat loss as candidly and comprehensively.
What's interesting is that Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle reveals the fat-burning secrets of the world's best bodybuilding and fitness models. Yes, these are the very same principles used by professionals to transform their physiques into a sleek, toned, muscular, and fit one. So if you apply the same principles, you will get the results they are reaping, too!
You can learn more about Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program at .
To read a comprehensive and honest review of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, click on Burn Fat Feed Muscle Review []

Easy Ways to Lose Weight by Changing Your Lifestyle

If you are one of the 65 out of 100 Americans who struggle with being overweight, you may be suffering from analysis paralysis. With a glut of products out there promising quick and easy ways to lose weight, choosing the right one can be overwhelming.
Many people try one diet after another, only to achieve minimal or temporary results. Why is this? The answer is both simple, and complex.
Simple, because we all know that in order to get rid of your weight we must decrease our intake of calories, or increase our caloric usage. Sounds easy enough, but eating the right kind of food is equally important. So is choosing the proper exercise necessary to meet your individual goals.
More is involved in losing weight than just diet and exercise, however. We must factor in one's health, gender, and age. Each plays an important role. Stress management, or lack of it, can also hinder one's ability to lose weight even on the most ardent program.
So, do any easy ways to lose weight actually exist? Yes.
Let's look at three simple lifestyle changes that experts agree will help you lose those unwanted pounds, and that everyone can do.
1. Drink more water. This small step can lead to great strides when trying to get rid of the pounds. We are a society of coffee, tea, energy drink, and soda pop drinkers. All of these beverages can dehydrate, rather than rehydrate your body. We often confuse the sensation of thirst, for hunger. By drinking more water, you will quench some of those cravings, feel fuller, and eat less.
2. Go to bed earlier. Sleep, or rather lack of it, plays an important role in a healthy metabolism. One reason is due to the hormonal activity of Gherlin and Leptin. Ghrelin, produced in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates your appetite. Leptin is produced in fat cells and signals your brain when you are full. Sleep deprivation causes these hormones to be counter productive. Getting 8 hours of sleep every night may help you lose weight.
3. Use a smaller plate. Sounds simple enough, and it is. This is one of the easy ways to drop the weight without changing your current diet. By using a smaller plate, your brain will not feel deprived. Cutting a mere 500 calories a day will allow you to lose one pound a week. Experts agree that quick weight loss is usually temporary. One to two pounds a week is considered safe and reasonable.
Don't let "analysis paralysis" prevent you from achieving your goals. By implementing these simple habits, you can achieve a healthier lifestyle and lose weight.
If you still need help, lose weight easily with the most effective weight loss products on the market! Try Unique Hoodia [] or African Mango to lose weight quickly but safely. Read these African Mango Reviews to learn more.

Fast and Easy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally - 3 Proven Tips to Help You Lose Weight Fast and Easy

Fast and easy ways to lose weight naturally is not as far fetched as it sounds. Learning what to eat and drink can cause drastic weight loss. That is what we want right? It usually takes a health scare of some kind to get most of us to do something about our weight problem, do not let that happen to you. If you find that it has happened to you these 3 tips is still a perfect way for you to lose extra pounds.
1. Drink Water Only- Cutting out drinks with sugar and artificial sweeteners automatically will cause dramatic weight loss. Diet drinks you say have no sugar. Well test have shown that people who have quit drinking diet sodas have lost up to 10 lbs. Artificial sweeteners are toxins in the body, which can cause you to gain weight as much as sugar.
2.Stay Away- White Sugar, Refined Salt, White Flour, and Dairy. You will feel more energetic and lose weight by not eating any of these foods. Avoid eating Dairy it is a big factor for why a lot of people can not lose weight. Eat green leafy vegetables to get your calcium.
3.Know where to find healthy food items- It could be just as easy going to the supermarket and getting some healthy food than going to the Quick mart to pick up some bad food. When shopping for food take the time to make healthy choices. Your health has to be the most important thing in your life. So start now and be around for what ever life throws your way.
So, fast and easy ways to lose weight naturally is not out of reach. For a whole lot more information you can visit my website at I hope that you this article helpful, good luck.

20 Ways to Lose Weight

1. Take it one step at a time
Start by paying attention to what you eat. Cut back on fat and sweets and add more fruit and vegetables. After you have that under control, add exercise. If you hate to exercise try it for only 15 minutes a day at first, then a 1/2-hour. Keep in mind that while you are exercising you are burning calories and not eating. Also, it will be easier if you chose an activity that you enjoy.
2. Find a friend
It is always good to have support when you are trying to lose weight. Find a friend who wants to lose weight and compare notes, weigh-in together and maybe even have a contest.
3. Use weights
Working out weights will build muscle and raise your metabolism so you will burn more calories. Also, muscle takes up less space than fat so you will be smaller ( but probably weigh more).
4. Eat fewer carbs
Don't eat as much bread and pasta and you will see a difference.
5. Set a goal
Set a deadline to lose the weight and write it down. For example, ' By Dec 14/04 I will weigh 150 lbs or less'. Put it somewhere you will see it daily.
6. Give up soda
If you drink a soda or 2 a day you are adding empty calories. If you find it hard to stop
completely, cut back at first and drink water instead.
7. Grill or boil
Avoid fried meat, grill and use lots of spices. You will get used to it and probably enjoy it more.
8. Don't buy junk food
When you go shopping, don't go on an empty stomach and you will be less likely to buy junk food. Keep your home 'junk food free' so you won't be tempted to indulge.
9. Eat breakfast
Consume most of your calories early in the day and always eat breakfast. Don't eat after 8pm and
not only will you avoid those added calories but you will sleep better.
10. Give yourself a treat
When you tell yourself that you can't have something you want it more. Give yourself a treat once a day ( ie. half a cookie) and you won't feel you are missing out.
11. Use smaller plates
Trick yourself into believing that you are eating more by using a smaller plate.
12. Drink lots of water
Drink water when you are feeling hungry and you will get that 'full' feeling.
13. Don't eat everything on your plate
Many times we eat just because it's there. Pay attention to when you have had enough.
14. Eat five or six meals a day
Eating more frequently will keep you from getting too hungry.
15. Plan your workout sessions
Write your workout sessions in your journal or planner.
16. Stay away from fad diets
Fad diets don't work. If you lose weight fast chances are that you will gain it back ( and more)
just as fast. It takes time to put it on and time to take it off.
17. Do several workouts a day
While you are watching TV do crunches and leg lifts.
18. Measure your food
If you decide to have junk food for a snack - be sure to measure and control what you eat.
19. Keep pre-cut vegetables
...and ward off those cravings.
20. Create Good Habits
It is a known fact that when we do something twenty-one times it becomes a habit. Create good eating habits.
Sheila Dicks is a wardrobe and image consultant who teaches women how to look slimmer by dressing to suit their body type. Visit her at to download a copy of her e-book Image Makeovers and get How to Build a Wardrobe free.

Fit Exercise in to Be Fit and Healthy

Why exercise? Inactivity is a fast-growing public health concern that is a major contributor to obesity, heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, frailty, falls, fractures and lack of self esteem. There is an "inactivity epidemic," with tremendous physical and financial costs.
  • Recent evidence indicates physical inactivity is the leading cause of death in the US and the 4th leading cause of death globally.
  • More than half of adults (56%) do not meet the recommendations for sufficient physical activity.
  • Physical inactivity costs the US Health Care System $330 per person each year, which equals more than $102 billion dollars annually.
Exercise has proven benefits for everything from lowering blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol. It also builds muscle and bone, improves mental health and self esteem, and heart, lung and kidney function. It even decreases the risk of cancer and Alzheimer's.
  • Regular physical activity can decrease the risk of death by 40%.
  • Active individuals in their 80s have a lower risk of death than inactive individuals in their 60s.
Are you one of the people or do you know someone that says they just can't find the time to exercise? It doesn't have to be something special that we must do and just don't know how to fit it in. While a workout in the gym, running or a bike ride may require carving out some time to dress, undress, workout and shower, you can find ways to weave activity into your daily schedule and make it part of your life.
If exercise is the medicine, what is the dose?
The new American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association Guidelines are 5 days a week of moderate intensity cardiovascular activities and 2 additional days of strength training is the recommended frequency.
How do you fit it in?
Strength training:
A novel idea is to use your own body weight and gravity. No equipment is necessary! You can work out anywhere, where there is a wall, even in the bathroom stall!
  • Wall push ups: Stand your palms against the wall and arms stretched out. Move your feet back and away from the wall, the further away the harder it will be. Bend your arms and move your chest to the wall and when your chest or nose is near the wall, push out. Do push ups against the wall. This can also be done on a counter or desk. Repeat for 10-25 repetitions.

  • Wall squats: Stand with your back against the wall, and squat into a seated position with the wall supporting your back, your feet away from the wall with your knees at a 90-degree angle. Hold for 30 - 60 seconds, stand, rest, repeat for 5-10 repetitions.

  • Triceps dips: Choose a sturdy chair, (not one with wheels). With your back facing the chair, squat down and place your palms on the seat of the chair. Move your feet away from the chair and bend your elbow so your buttocks move closer to the floor, then push up. Repeat 8-10 times.

  • Balance ball: Sit on a balance ball instead of a chair. This can work your core muscles and burn some calories while you sit at your desk.
Aerobic Activity
  • Walk: Get a pedometer and monitor your steps. Walk whenever and wherever you can. Drink plenty of water and take trips to the bathroom to do your strength training in the stall.
  • Steps: Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator to work your legs and buttocks.
  • Bicycle: to work or to run errands.
  • House chores: Pick up the pace and make these activities more vigorous to raise your heart rate and get your body moving.
  • Outdoor chores: You can make gardening, raking leaves or shoveling snow both aerobic and strength building. Be sure to use good form.
Sticking to it
Studies show that anything you focus on, track and monitor will grow and change.
  • Schedule it in: Make some form of activity a priority and carve out time in your schedule to do it. You are more likely to do it if it's on your calendar.
  • Keep an exercise log: There are many tracking sheets available and apps to monitor the frequency, intensity, time and type of activity. What you focus on grows.
  • Monitor: get a pedometer to track your everyday moves
  • Be consistent: Small changes made consistently over time has a compound effect
  • Get back on the horse when you falter: Beating yourself up does no good. Just get back to your routine and squeeze it in whenever and wherever you can.
Lorraine Maita, MD is a recognized and award winning physician and author transforming people's lives through preventive and anti aging medicine. She is a Diplomat of the American Academy of Anti Aging and Regenerative Medicine and Board Certified in Internal Medicine and has over 18 years experience in Preventive Health and Wellness, Internal, Occupational and Travel Medicine and Executive Health.
Dr. Maita served as Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Prudential Financial, Medical Director on The Pfizer Health Leadership Team and Medical Director of North America for Johnson & Johnson Global Health Service and was an attending physician at St.Luke's/Roosevelt Hospital, Emergency Department and Executive Health Examiners in New York City. She is a consultant for companies wanting to develop or enhance their employee and occupational health and wellness programs and has a private practice in Short Hills, NJ.
Pick up Dr. Maita's 7 Best Tips to live younger and healthier at:

You Have To Be Determined To Be Fit

I still remember when I first developed my fitness goals and decided to go after them. I was very young at the time and in fact I recall being about 12 years old when I first started. When I was really young I had a horrible diet that included fruit rollups, cookies, pie and virtually every other dessert. I ate very few healthy foods as a child and I feel extremely fortunate for not developing diabetes. I did however gain a lot of weight but I didn't realize it until someone pointed it out to me. It was at that point I had the very common and simple goal of just losing some weight and getting a flat stomach. My goals eventually evolved into wanting to gain a lot of strength and muscle mass. In this article I will further explain how I developed each of these goals and how I eventually reached them. As you will see, reaching my goals was no easy feat but with a lot of hard work and determination I eventually got there. It is my wish that by me explaining the hard work I put into reaching my goals, you will be inspired to never give up on reaching your goals. I feel determination is essential for any fitness strategy to work. It's what separates the people who reach their goals from the people who do not. I will also get into something you can do to lose weight which is follow online personal training programs. These online personal training programs being offered today are the best way to lose weight in my opinion. Online personal training programs are certainly better now than they use to be.
As I explained, when I was very young I was overweight and realized it only when someone pointed it out to me. At that point I decided my goal was simply to get a flatter stomach. When I started I wasn't curtain how to approach reaching this goal. The first person I asked to give me advice my dad. He gave me the typical weight loss advice of the time which was to cut out starch from my diet such as rice and potatoes. I tried this and it was extremely hard. I actually wasn't 100% successful with this approach since I did eat some starch but since I did put forth the effort I wound up reducing my starch consumption. I also tried to exercise more even though I didn't know very much about cardiovascular exercise. I recall using an old dusty treadmill in our basement that no one in my family really used. Because I knew so little about dieting and exercise this was a very miserable time in my life but luckily because I was so young I lost weight very quickly and after about two months I went from being overweight to having a six pack. I was really ecstatic when I noticed I had a six pack because I actually hadn't planned on getting a six pack. It wasn't as if that was a goal of mine so that made for a very pleasing result.
After I lost weight the next goal I started to focus on was gain muscle mass. Between losing weight and gaining the kind of muscle mass I wanted, the second goal was by far the hardest. It would take me many years to reach the point where I was more or less satisfied with the amount of muscle I had. As I would learn more about weight lifting and getting stronger I did start to gain a considerable amount of strength but it wasn't the kind of strength I wanted. While I was stronger than most people I wanted to be noticeably strong even with a shirt on. I remember reaching a plateau in my strength that took me 5 long years to get through but I eventually did by changing my diet. After trying every kind of weight lifting program out there I decided the issue had to be my diet and it was.
Online personal training programs are something I wish I had access to back then but the ones at that time weren't very good. The online personal training programs being offered today are more state of the art and much easier and enjoyable to follow. Online personal training programs are usually designed by certified personal trainers which makes them highly effective and every bit as effective as what you would get from a trainer at the gym.
Abstract Health, LLC is dedicated to making fitness easy and affordable for today's fast paced world!

Fitness Tip: Tips On How To Be Fit And Sexy

Have you ever felt like you're not as attractive to your mate, your partner, or even just the opposite sex as you used to be? Could it be because you feel your body doesn't look like you would like it to "in the bedroom", so to speak? Maybe you just plain don't feel as sexy as you used to, hum?
Do your "sexy bedroom clothes" stay in the draw and may be replaced by the "these will be ok" clothes?
If you've ever been fit and healthy, you already know that's one of the keys to BEING a bit more sexy, if you will. Not only that, but being fit and healthy makes you feel more alive and more wanting to do something, which really makes you're partner happy as well. *wink*
So, I'll tell you what, let me see if I can help you get that feeling back by taking a few simple steps in the health and fitness department, ok?
Let's Look at Food
Food can do a lot things to and for you....especially in the short term aspects. Different foods can affect how you feel, think and actually how your body acts as well. To be as sexy as you possibly can, you will want to avoid foods that will make you feel bloated, "full", belch and just plain cause bad breath. (ewwwwwww!)
Let's talk about fast food for a minute. How many times have you and your buddies joked about what certain fast food places do to the "smell of the card"? If you and you buddies talk about that, how do you thinks others may react to you? I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem to put me in the mood, so to speak. Let alone what your partner would think, or how that would react, if you know what I mean.
It's not just fast food, but a lot of food places use a lot of salt in their foods. And what does salt do? It causes you to retain water and makes you bloated. Ask yourself this, how sexy are you when you feel bloated? If you feel that way, that vibe transmits to your your partner and that "special time" may not be as special.
Now, drinking a lot of water does flush out excessive sodium from your body and causes the bloating to not be as.....bloated, get it?
Eating a lot of starchy carbs usually leaves you feeling full and not wanting to do anything physical, so you may really want to pay attention to how much carbohydrates you put into your body.
Me being Italian, I LOVE garlic, but we all know garlic isn't exactly the best smelling item, especially when it lingers in your body for a while. Same with peppers and onions. If you eat a lot of these items, learn how to freshen your breath, the healthy way. It goes without saying your mate will really appreciate your efforts as well.
Here's a great trick that may help you eat healthier. Picture yourself nekked in front of you partner before you shovel that next plate of food in. Does that particular food help the picture or hurt the picture? If you're already in great shape then WHOO HOO! You're partner will be just as excited as you. But if not....well.....insert your own thoughts here.
Now remember the nekked picture next time you're gonna go into that "all you can eat buffet", or going through that fast food place. Now, think of that nekked picture when you're about to eat that fresh fish, or nice salad, or that juicy steak you just grilled. I can promise you that vision will seem completely different depending on what you're about to eat. Again, something to think about.
On the flip side, there foods that can make you look and feel sexy inside-out. Some include: raw veggies like spinach and broccoli, mushrooms and just about anything from your garden. Also meats such as chicken fish and beef. Oh, and fresh fruits and nuts are always a good thing as well. Of course there are others, but I just wanted you to be aware of some of the more basic ones.
Beleive it or not, water is GREAT for this "sexy" stuff as well. In addition to keeping you hydrated, it helps boost your energy, control your hunger and, like mentioned earlier, will help with that bloated feeling.
OK, now the food stuff is out of the way, let's take a look "behind closed doors", if you will. We all know that being sexy is a lot visually and mentally, but it's also quite physical as well. How fit your are affects your sex drive. Think about it, if you feel fit, you portray an "aura" about you that affects the opposite sex as well. If you are comfortable with how you look physically, that "vibe" will be in the air with the opposite sex as well. Oh, I'm not saying being a super fit model, I'm just talking about being comfortable with yourself is all. And, if you feel comfortable with how you look, just think what your partner will think with this "vibe" in the air. Whoo Hoo! nuff said.
Be feeling comfortable is not all, being fit helps out in the bedroom as well. Guys, strength and stamina can outdo other attributes, if you know what I mean. That alone should make any male want to look and feel as good as he possibly can!
Let's talk about working out, or just plain exercise.
Did you know, that why you exercise, you release endorphins, increases sex hormones, and is a great stress reliever. Oh, and not to mention exercise also helps you feel better about your body, which we just discussed. Does it matter what kind of exercise, usually not. But walking from the couch to the fridge, even though it may be more than you're used to, just won't cut it for what we're talking about here. If you say, "I'm not motivated to do more", than what do you think your partner thinks about you?
Hey, the bedroom is a two way street my friends. If you don't want improvement, great. But it's not always about what you want. Think about your partner every so often as well.
Studies have shown, and I don't think this is much of a secret, that those who exercise on a regular basis have good self- esteem and feel good about their bodies. With that, obviously, leads to not only more "fooling around", but it more enjoyable AND satisfying to all parties involved. Whether you're a guy or a girl, If having more enjoyable, satisfying sex doesn't get you motivated to start exercising, then I feel real sorry for your partner.
After reading all that, I have just the thing to help you get "motivated", so to speak. Become a Fitness Insider and learn to get sexy back in the bedroom. You'll get to hear top fitness folks from around the world tell you all about Fitness and Health.
Experts will give you their secrets on getting to the "upper levels", if you will.
We have these experts answer YOUR questions about FITNESS and HEALTH, all for you to listen to! Go to to gain free access to all the Health and Fitness information you can handle.

Healthy Eating Plans Help Me To Be Fit Over 40

Would you like to be fit over 40? Are you over the age of 40 possibly overweight, lacking the energy you used to have, and worried about diabetes, heart disease or other degenerative diseases? Perhaps your doctor has even warned you to "change your habits" because you are on the road to poor health. You may be thinking that these issues are just the signs of aging. Well, that is definitely not true.
Have you ever been on a diet? Or know someone who has? If you have been challenged trying to lose weight for years or even for a lifetime, then you know how challenging it can be to lose weight permanently.
The reason diets don't work is because they are designed to fail. No, really. Think about it for a minute. When you tell yourself you are on a diet what are the first thoughts that come to mind? That you will have to "give up" your favorite foods? That you will be hungry all the time, and that it will take a lot of will power to stick to it? Have you ever put off going on a diet until after some holiday or special event, because you knew you were going to over indulge and you didn't want to be faced with the decision of saying no?
Instead of continually dieting, to be fit over 40 the key to weight loss success is to follow healthy eating plans that promote weight loss, break your addiction to sugar, give your body the nutrition it needs and eliminate unhealthy food cravings. Does that sound too good to be true, or too difficult? Read how I did it.
I understand wanting to be fit over 40. I have fought my weight my entire life. I remember being a child in grade school, and dreading shopping for new clothes every school year, because I didn't fit into anything. In high school I got even larger. As an adult, I just kept growing. At my largest, I topped the scales at over 300 pounds. I can't tell you how much, exactly, because the scale stops at 300 pounds.
Of course, all through my life I had been on different diets. My first diet was Weight Watchers when I was in high school and it continued from there. I even lost weight on many of them. A few pounds, even a lot. The thing is, though, dieting was always something that provided only a temporary fix. The weight always came back, and it usually brought a few extra pounds along with it. I was back to square one. There has to be a better way, I thought. To be fit over 40 I would need a real solution to my weight problem.
Finally I decided I did not want to live with the negativity of dieting anymore. I decided to accept myself the way I was, buy the most attractive clothes I could find, and be happy with who I was. Then an amazing thing happened. All of a sudden, I started getting smaller. I added healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle habits to my new attitude and over the course of a year and a half I lost about 150 pounds. Even better, I have managed to keep it off for over 5 years. Now I am not only fit over 40, I am in the best health I have been my entire life.
And you can get a free 9 part mini course on 7 simple steps to break your addiction to sugar at where expert author Mary Ann MacKay promotes optimal wellness through nutrition, diet, exercise and living a healthy lifestyle.
The first step to being fit over 40 is to adopt healthy eating plans. There are many articles and resources to help you do this at  read more.

Staying Fit As You Grow Older

There are a certain things that happen to all human beings as we age. One of them is that our bodies deteriorate as they age, just like everything else. You don't have to take it sitting down, don't accept that you are going to get to a place where you can't do the things you enjoy and are stuck sitting around for years. There are proven things that you can do to significantly improve the quality of your life as you age.
There have been numerous studies done, several are outlined on Web MD, that show that one of the major things you can do to slow the process is to exercise. Not just walking for cardio, but strength training with weights will also help to make a major difference in your health and state of mind. You don't have to spend hours in the gym and work out like a bodybuilder to enjoy the huge benefits from lifting weights and strength training.
Exercise Tips for Seniors
You don't need to spend lots of money on the equipment to do the workouts either. The best equipment for a home weight training workout are dumbbells and, or exercise bands. Dumbbells cost in the area of $.50 to $1 per pound, and they never wear out. Resistance bands are generally a little less expensive, but they do wear out. Use heavy enough weights that will make the exercises a bit of a challenge, you want the final rep of the set to be a bit of a struggle, but don't overdo it by going too heavy.
You should do both types of exercise, cardio, such as walking, jogging, biking, etc. What ever you can do that is enjoyable for you. Many seniors do walk, and that is great for your health, just don't leave out the weight training, which will give you just as many or more benefits to your health as cardio.
The great thing is that no matter what your physical condition, you can do some weight training that will give you benefits you will quickly notice. The benefits of exercise as you age are numerous. Studies show that the average person loses 10 - 20% of their muscle mass by the age of 50. After age 50 sedentary people can lose another 40% of their muscle by their 70's. Loss of muscle is directly related to loss of strength in your whole body. Loss of strength makes everything you do more difficult. You don't have to be average if you don't want to.
Studies also show that long term cardio and weight trainers at age 80, can have the same muscle mass and strength as a 50 year old person who is sedentary.
Some of the benefits of more muscle and strength:
1. Arthritis relief, Stronger muscles ease the strain on your joints.
2. Better balance, Less chance of falling and getting injured from a fall.
3. Stronger bones, Weight training will increase the strength of your bones lessening breakage.
4. Weight control, exercise will help keep off the fat, when combined with a good diet.
5. Help you avoid diabetes.
6. Help you sleep better.
7. Have a better overall state of mind.
8. A recently completed study at the University of British Columbia showed that weight training helped the test group increase their brain function over the group that did no weight training.
There is plenty of evidence to show it's a very good idea to do cardio and strength training as you age to improve your life. So what should you do?
In the Twin Cities, we are very lucky to have numerous walking and biking trails to get your cardio exercise in. Do your cardio 3 or 4 times a week, whichever type of cardio you like, do it for 30 to 60 minutes each session. If you can't do that much, slowly work up to it. Remember that any exercise you do will help make you stronger so next time you can do a little more.
The weight training part of your exercise should consist of compound movements that will work on more than one muscle groups at a time, and cover all the muscles of your upper and lower body. Work into all of these exercises slowly so you don't injure yourself.
Do all exercises 2 or 3 times per week with a rest day between.
The goal is to do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps with a rest of 1 minute between sets.
1. Push Ups, Start on your knees if you need to. Go slow and work all the upper body muscles.
2. Squats, Stand with feet shoulder width, toes turned slightly out. Body weight only to start.
3. Biceps curl to overhead press. Go slow and always stay in control of weight.
4. Behind head triceps extensions.
5. Bent over rows.
6. Abs crunch.
7. Step up on bench or stool. Have a chair next to you for keeping your balance.
8. Standing twist with weight. Go slow and suck in your abs as you do it.
9. Bench press
Do these 9 exercises 2 or 3 days per week, or split them into 2 groups if needed when you start. As you get stronger, add exercises and increase the weight to get to the goal. After a few weeks, you will be amazed at the progress you've made. You can increase muscle and strength at any time in your life, it's never too late, and you're never too old, so give it a try, just go slowly and work your way up to more weight.
Here is another full body workout you can do at home
A great workout if you are trying to lose fat

Stay Fit All Your Life With Pranayam Yoga Asanas

Gone are the days when health complications such as indigestion, back pain, neck pain, obesity, arthritis and high blood pressure were associated with the old age. Nowadays both youngsters and elderly people are facing these problems. Reasons may be same or differ but the consequences are similar - strains and pains. Medication can give temporary relief but performing yoga asanas regularly can help you get rid of all these common problems. However, they don't make any miracles happen; you have to constantly practice them to see long term and permanent results.
Kapalbharti pranayam is one of the best yoga exercises that improve the circulation of oxygen throughout the body, working of lungs and other respiratory organs and digestive system. The intake of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide ensures smooth functioning of all body parts. If practiced regularly, it offers a great deal of benefits to the performer including:
1. Increased capacity of lungs to hold oxygen
2. Enhancement in the functioning of brain cells
3. Keeps blood pressure under constant check
4. Naturally cures constipation, diabetes and sinus
5. Relieves muscular and skeletal pain
6. Enhances flexibility in bones
Bhastarika pranayam is another type of yoga asanas that keeps both mind and body healthy. To perform this, one has to sit comfortably with spinal cord straight. You have to forcefully breath-in and breathe-out as long and deep as possible. It can be practiced for any duration between two to five minutes. Stop as soon as you feel tired and relax a while before you resume. Its benefits include:
1. Cures flu, asthma and sinus
2. Cures tonsils, throat problems and thyroid
3. Helpful in curing heart diseases including arteries blockages
4. Cures migraine and depression
5. Helps de-stressing
All these yoga and exercises are backed by scientific evidences; so no matter how old you are and how tight your schedule is, including them in your daily routine helps a lot. Moreover, they help in releasing anger and depression. Regularly practicing them brings radiance on your face and peace to your mind.
If you're a beginner and have just started practicing yoga, the best way to do it is under the guidance of a trained yoga professional. Doing them incorrectly can hamper your well being and bring negative effects. You can stay internally and externally fit all through your life by performing these asanas.
Nowadays, internet is one of the best sources to find information about yoga poses and exercises. There are several online portals that are dedicated to bring awareness among people about However, one needs to ensure that these sources are authentic and offer correct information. In addition to this, videos are also available online by trained professionals. You can watch them to know the right way to perform them.
The best part is that they just require a few minutes from your daily schedule. At least, dedicating that much time in performing yoga asanas is worth when you can cure so many health problems without spending a single buck. is one of the leading websites that offers complete and genuine information on, stretches and exercises. The site is dedicated to list out all the benefits of yoga and exercises.